okay, dah lama ema x update anything kt blog. it's time to re-spark the energy in my blog! hahaa... *agak merapu* hari nie ema nak cakap skit pasal Qiam.
dengan perbuatan kita bangun daripada tidur untuk Qiamullail, actually, telah putus kesemua ikatan2 yang syaitan ikat pada badan kita masa kita tidur. alang-alang cakap pasal ikatan nie, lebih baik ema cerita sikit pasal ikatan syaitan pada dir kita masa kita tidur.
syaitan akan ikat kita sampai kita terlena (everytime we go to bed) kalau kita bangun dan berzikir pada Allah, maka terbukalah satu ikatan tersebut. kalau kita bangun dan berwudu', maka terbuka lagi satu ikatan. tapi, kalau kita bangun untuk Qiam, akan terbuka kesemua ikatan tersebut
untuk orang yang x pernah bangun solat malam, Rasulullah bersabda, 'telah dikencingi oleh syaitan manusia itu'
apa pulak kebaikan kita bangun solat malam?
1-jauh daripada penyakit
2-dipermudahkan urusan hisab
3-urusan melintas titian siraat menjadi mudah
Adalah dusta orang yang mendakwa cinta kepadaKu tetapi dia tidur daripadaKu. bukankah setiap orang yang dilamun cinta sangat suka kalau sentiasa berkhalwat (bersunyi-sunyian) dengan kekasihNya? Inilah Aku yang sentiasa memerhatikan kekasih-kekasihKu, sungguh mereka telah menjelmakan Aku dalam pandangan mereka, berdialog denganKu seolah-olah mereka menyaksikan Aku, bercakap denganKu seolah-olah Aku hadir di hadapan mereka. Esok akan Aku senangkan hati kamu di syurga-syurgaKu. Perasaan ini sentiasa tersemat kukuh di hati mereka sehingga tidak ada di dalam hati mereka kecuali Aku. Oleh itu, tidak ada yang muncul dari anggota mereka melainkan sesuai dengan apa yang ada di dalam hati mereka.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Sunday, 12 February 2012
hati yang pilu
this is just another stupid post i once pledge i will never write or brag on. but then...i just have to...i can't handle it!!
things were just too much to handle last night.
something in me told me to search in this guy, in the photo. a cute hunkie, whom i fell for in just a few months. heck, only one month! i followed him on Red FM, listened to his shows, got him to know me, blah blah blah...he was so cute, yet friendly...
so, i wanted to know MORE about him. and yes, i did knew MORE about him. too much till i felt the burning feeling inside my chest, my vision went hazy for a while, cause i never knew he was anything like that. too much!! i was mad. couldn't read anything no more, things only lead me back to him. why? why me? why now?
P/S: if i can have such feelings for a guy i never met, i only wonder how would i be if i were to be in a relationship. haizzz...
things were just too much to handle last night.
something in me told me to search in this guy, in the photo. a cute hunkie, whom i fell for in just a few months. heck, only one month! i followed him on Red FM, listened to his shows, got him to know me, blah blah blah...he was so cute, yet friendly...
so, i wanted to know MORE about him. and yes, i did knew MORE about him. too much till i felt the burning feeling inside my chest, my vision went hazy for a while, cause i never knew he was anything like that. too much!! i was mad. couldn't read anything no more, things only lead me back to him. why? why me? why now?
P/S: if i can have such feelings for a guy i never met, i only wonder how would i be if i were to be in a relationship. haizzz...
Friday, 10 February 2012
sometimes, in order to live, you sacrifice
in order to make friends, you sacrifice
in order to live you with someone, you sacrifice
in order to study, you sacrifice
in order to save money, you sacrifice
in order to get to Him, you sacrifice
life is full of sacrifices. why can't you sacrifice, just like all of us? just like the rest? why can't you sacrifice your ego, for just once, so that we can live happily, just like the rest?
do you think the rest JUST are happy? they sacrifice too, in case you don't know.
it's hard to sacrifice, but once you sacrifice, you'll learn that many others will sacrifice for you. in the end, everybody will learn how to tolerate with one another. it's not hard after all, once you get to see the ending.
so sad, that you are unable to see the ending, just like the rest. all you keep thinking is YOU, YOU, YOU! we're all just as fed-up as you are. but we just keep our mouths shut, ears deaf & eyes blind to what you do in the room.
hey, guess what, one day you'll learn the truth-THE HARD WAY! then, you'll regret, never face the world the way you do now. HA!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
dulu x bertudung, sekarang sudah
ema sangat tertarik nak bincangkan isu nie, sebabnya dah bermacam-macam pictres & photos yang ema tengok dekat 'laman muka buku' kita. dulu, saudari kita nie x pakai tudung, so banyak la gambo2 dia yang x pakai tudung @ x tutup aurat dekat facebook. pastu, sekarang dah tutup aurat, Alhamdulillah, dah pakai tudung, litup semua rambut, kemas & bergaya dengan baju2 yang menutup aurat.
persoalannya sekarang, apa nak buat dengan gambo2 diri yang 'lalu'?
senang je, buang semua pictures yang x pakai tudung tue, yang x tutup aurat tue. 'private' those pictures is not a secure move to be done sebab ramai orang dah makin terror hacking-menghaking social websites sekarang. so maybe, photos tue boleh leak to the outside world, and kita pulak yang akan dapat dosa.
so, kalau rasa sayang sangat nk buang those pictures, make sure you have a copy of all the pictures, keep it safe where no one but your siblings ONLY shall see. better still, keep sampai kita x ingat langsung ada pictures tue. atau selit dalam diary-untuk tatapan diri sendiri.
masalahnya, ramai sangat kawan2 kita yang x delete pictures diorang yang x pakai tudung tue. even worse, diorang sendiri yang uploadkan those pictures. after all, what for? nak bagi orang lain tengok rambut you guys yang asal macam mana? atau nk tunjuk kat orang yang you guys just transformed yourself becoming a better Muslimah?
tak perlu pun. cukuplah Allah ja yang tahu perubahan kita. about the hair, x perlu la nak orang lain puji rambut kita. cukuplah mahram kita ja yang tatap rambut kita.
one more thing, boyfriend kita, BUKAN mahram kita. so, haram ke atas kita untuk menayangkan gambar2 x tutup aurat kepada mereka, walaupun kita dah prepare utk kawen ngan diorang. no atter how strong your love is, no matter what happened between your parents, no matter korang dah tnang atau x, selagi x lafaz akad nikah tue, maka haramlah hukumnya untuk menayangkan gambar2 yang x tutup aurat kepada boyfriend kita.
semoga coretan hari ini membuka minda anda semua mengenai photos anda di mana2 laman sosial ataupun di mana2 sahaja.
persoalannya sekarang, apa nak buat dengan gambo2 diri yang 'lalu'?
x perlu tayangkan rambut pada orang luar |
so, kalau rasa sayang sangat nk buang those pictures, make sure you have a copy of all the pictures, keep it safe where no one but your siblings ONLY shall see. better still, keep sampai kita x ingat langsung ada pictures tue. atau selit dalam diary-untuk tatapan diri sendiri.
STOP uploading pictures x tutup aurat |
tak perlu pun. cukuplah Allah ja yang tahu perubahan kita. about the hair, x perlu la nak orang lain puji rambut kita. cukuplah mahram kita ja yang tatap rambut kita.
one more thing, boyfriend kita, BUKAN mahram kita. so, haram ke atas kita untuk menayangkan gambar2 x tutup aurat kepada mereka, walaupun kita dah prepare utk kawen ngan diorang. no atter how strong your love is, no matter what happened between your parents, no matter korang dah tnang atau x, selagi x lafaz akad nikah tue, maka haramlah hukumnya untuk menayangkan gambar2 yang x tutup aurat kepada boyfriend kita.
semoga coretan hari ini membuka minda anda semua mengenai photos anda di mana2 laman sosial ataupun di mana2 sahaja.
Monday, 6 February 2012
inferiority complex
well, never thought i would be facing another individual with inferiority complex in the same area. hmmm...funny kan? i guess penyakit inferiority complex ni makin menular kot. sampaikan an individual sanggup go to the extreme just to win a battle that is full of foolishness.
well, one thing for sure, i love myself, Alhamdulillah. not intimidated by anybody becoz i have my own way of revealing who i am on the inside. some people believe that the outer you is what people will see when they become friends with you. so all they do is just put on a 'mask' so that everybody will like them. make themselves look so 'weak' so that people will go towards them & leave out all the rest.
somehow, i think, the world does not work this way.
even worse,there are people who control the people around them so that they remain powerful in the eyes of the people around them. how long will you stay powerful? how long can you control oneself?
can you imagine what would happen if everything falls crumbling down to the solid ground? how would you feel? i guess you'll be at your lowest. coz you've been hiding behind your 'mask' & the people you control.
therefore, i would like to suggest to people with inferiority complex to break out of your shell, be confident with the way you are on the inside, stop controlling people. i hope for the best!
well, one thing for sure, i love myself, Alhamdulillah. not intimidated by anybody becoz i have my own way of revealing who i am on the inside. some people believe that the outer you is what people will see when they become friends with you. so all they do is just put on a 'mask' so that everybody will like them. make themselves look so 'weak' so that people will go towards them & leave out all the rest.
somehow, i think, the world does not work this way.
even worse,there are people who control the people around them so that they remain powerful in the eyes of the people around them. how long will you stay powerful? how long can you control oneself?
can you imagine what would happen if everything falls crumbling down to the solid ground? how would you feel? i guess you'll be at your lowest. coz you've been hiding behind your 'mask' & the people you control.
therefore, i would like to suggest to people with inferiority complex to break out of your shell, be confident with the way you are on the inside, stop controlling people. i hope for the best!
hari nie, ema nak bincang sikit pasal period or haid. sebabnya ramai di antara kita yang still confuse about it. i don't mean to be disgusting but i just found out something about it & i would like to share it with you guys...
so, period yang biasa dialami oleh girls range from 4 to 7 days. but some may exceed up to 14 days. firstly, ema nk bincang pasal false alarms. girls tau la kot apa tu false alarms. usually we get it bila dah nak dekat our menstrual date.
so, persoalannya kat sini, boleh sembahyang ka dalam keadaan false alarm?
obviously, jwpn utk soalan tadi is tak boleh sembahyang. sebab kita dikira kotor.
next question, kalau mandi wajib lepas tue, boleh sembahyang ka?
jawapannya ialah x perlu mandi wajib. because kita dah memang dekat ngan menstrual date kita, so no need to pray. conclusion, if dah sampai period date, don't have to pray if discharge continuous. sometimes, discharge akan main chak chak dengan kita. kejap ada discharge, then x dak discharge. so, x perlu nak sembahyang.
then, smpai bila x perlu sembahyang?
in this case, kita kena ikut your normal mestrual period. kalau selalunya period lasts for a week, then for a week the continuos, discontinuous sitation tue, x perlu sembahyang. kalau till the end of one week, still discharge dok main chak chak lagi, then it's called darah Istihadhah @ Istihadah.
what is darah Istihadah?
darah Istihadah ada dua definition. the most common definition yang diberi oleh ustaz, ustazah is blood discharge (during period) that exceeds 15 days. the other definition, which is in the case of this case (the chak chak case), is the discharge which exceeds ur normal menstrual duration. (in other words, kalau biasa period for a week, and then for one particular week in a month, tetiba je keluar discharge, instead of blood discharge. so, kita boleh wait for the blood discharge to come out for a week max. kalau melebihi the week, it's called darah Istihadah)
what do we do when we face darah Istihadah?
easy thing to do, x perlu mandi wajib all the time to 'clean' ourselves. all we gotta do is clean our clothes. in this case underpants should be clean everytime we pray. it je syarat dia. but kita kena ambil air wudu' baru setiap kali nak solat (regardless of the fact yang kita dah kentut @ x sebelum tue)
boleh baca Quran x?
boleh, sebab kita dah dianggap bersih. syarat dia is that we must make sure underpants kita bersih daripada sebarang discharge masa kita baca Quran.
kalau kata dalam masa seminggu yang discharge main chak chak tu, tetiba keluar pulak blood discharge macam normal, macam mana?
then, kita anggap that's period. x perlu kira seminggu. just go ahead with the blood discharge. ensure that the blood discharge x melebihi 14 days (from the day the blood discharge betul2 keluar)
ema harap dengan penjelasan nie, dapat membantu kaum Muslimah yang selalu sangat berkonflik dengan diri. sometimes kita rasa berdosa sebab x beribadat dengan Allah, sedangkan at that time x dak discharge pun. but then, we shouldn't feel guilty sebab memang dia dah nk keluar & it falls in the expected date of menstruation.
so, period yang biasa dialami oleh girls range from 4 to 7 days. but some may exceed up to 14 days. firstly, ema nk bincang pasal false alarms. girls tau la kot apa tu false alarms. usually we get it bila dah nak dekat our menstrual date.
so, persoalannya kat sini, boleh sembahyang ka dalam keadaan false alarm?
obviously, jwpn utk soalan tadi is tak boleh sembahyang. sebab kita dikira kotor.
next question, kalau mandi wajib lepas tue, boleh sembahyang ka?
jawapannya ialah x perlu mandi wajib. because kita dah memang dekat ngan menstrual date kita, so no need to pray. conclusion, if dah sampai period date, don't have to pray if discharge continuous. sometimes, discharge akan main chak chak dengan kita. kejap ada discharge, then x dak discharge. so, x perlu nak sembahyang.
then, smpai bila x perlu sembahyang?
in this case, kita kena ikut your normal mestrual period. kalau selalunya period lasts for a week, then for a week the continuos, discontinuous sitation tue, x perlu sembahyang. kalau till the end of one week, still discharge dok main chak chak lagi, then it's called darah Istihadhah @ Istihadah.
what is darah Istihadah?
darah Istihadah ada dua definition. the most common definition yang diberi oleh ustaz, ustazah is blood discharge (during period) that exceeds 15 days. the other definition, which is in the case of this case (the chak chak case), is the discharge which exceeds ur normal menstrual duration. (in other words, kalau biasa period for a week, and then for one particular week in a month, tetiba je keluar discharge, instead of blood discharge. so, kita boleh wait for the blood discharge to come out for a week max. kalau melebihi the week, it's called darah Istihadah)
what do we do when we face darah Istihadah?
easy thing to do, x perlu mandi wajib all the time to 'clean' ourselves. all we gotta do is clean our clothes. in this case underpants should be clean everytime we pray. it je syarat dia. but kita kena ambil air wudu' baru setiap kali nak solat (regardless of the fact yang kita dah kentut @ x sebelum tue)
boleh baca Quran x?
boleh, sebab kita dah dianggap bersih. syarat dia is that we must make sure underpants kita bersih daripada sebarang discharge masa kita baca Quran.
kalau kata dalam masa seminggu yang discharge main chak chak tu, tetiba keluar pulak blood discharge macam normal, macam mana?
then, kita anggap that's period. x perlu kira seminggu. just go ahead with the blood discharge. ensure that the blood discharge x melebihi 14 days (from the day the blood discharge betul2 keluar)
ema harap dengan penjelasan nie, dapat membantu kaum Muslimah yang selalu sangat berkonflik dengan diri. sometimes kita rasa berdosa sebab x beribadat dengan Allah, sedangkan at that time x dak discharge pun. but then, we shouldn't feel guilty sebab memang dia dah nk keluar & it falls in the expected date of menstruation.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Rasulullah sayangkan kita...
maybe most of you guys tahu yang Rasulullah sangat2 sayangkan kita. the most frequent story yang menjadi rujukan is when Rasulullah wafat. the only thing he kept on saying till his last breath was 'ummati... ummati... ummati...' which means, 'my people...my people...my people...'
well, ummat Rasulullah x hanya merujuk kepada orang yang hidup pada zaman Rasulullah, but termasuk kita semua, walaupun kita x pernah pun nk tahu macam mana rupa Rasulullah, x pernah pun berjumpa ngan Khalifah2 zaman dulu...
so, ema nak kongsi dua kisah yang menunjukkan Rasulullah sangat2 sayangkan kita, walaupun baginda x pernah pun tengok muka kita, bercakap dengan kita...
Suatu hari, Rasulullah bertanya: "Siapakah hamba Allah yang mulia?"
Sahabat menjawab: "Para Malaikat ya Rasulullah"
Sahabat menjawab: "tentulah para Nabi, merekalah yang mulia"
Rasulullah tersenyum lalu berkata: "Ya, mereka mulia tapi ada yang lebih mulia"
Para sahabat terdiam lalu berkata: "Adakah kami yang mulia itu ya Rasulullah?"
Rasulullah berkata: "Tentulah kalian mulia, kalian dekat denganku, kalian membantu perjuanganku, tetapi bukan kalian yang aku maksudkan....Rasulullah menundukkan wajahnya, baginda menitiskan air mata sehingga membasahi pipi dan janggutnya lalu berkata: "Wahai sahabatku, mereka adalah manusia-manusia yang lahir jauh setelah wafatnya aku, mereka terlalu mencintai Allah dan tahukah kalian, mereka tak pernah melihatku, mereka hidup tidak dekat denganku seperti kalian tetapi mereka sangat rindu kepadaku dan saksikanlah wahai sahabatku, bahawa AKU SANGAT RINDU PADA MEREKA, MEREKALAH UMATKU !
that is the first kisah. tengok, walaupun sahabat2 ramai pernah jumpa dengan Rasulullah, mendampingi Baginda, ikut sunnah, melalui zaman yang sukar hanya kerana mereka bergelar Islam, masuk perang, syahid...tapi diorang bukan golongan yang mulia. betapa darjat kita diangkat oleh Rasulullah, smpaikan kita digelar sebagai golongan yang mulia mengalahkan pejuang2 Islam yang hidup di zaman Rasulullah.
well, ummat Rasulullah x hanya merujuk kepada orang yang hidup pada zaman Rasulullah, but termasuk kita semua, walaupun kita x pernah pun nk tahu macam mana rupa Rasulullah, x pernah pun berjumpa ngan Khalifah2 zaman dulu...
so, ema nak kongsi dua kisah yang menunjukkan Rasulullah sangat2 sayangkan kita, walaupun baginda x pernah pun tengok muka kita, bercakap dengan kita...
Suatu hari, Rasulullah bertanya: "Siapakah hamba Allah yang mulia?"
Sahabat menjawab: "Para Malaikat ya Rasulullah"
Sahabat menjawab: "tentulah para Nabi, merekalah yang mulia"
Rasulullah tersenyum lalu berkata: "Ya, mereka mulia tapi ada yang lebih mulia"
Para sahabat terdiam lalu berkata: "Adakah kami yang mulia itu ya Rasulullah?"
Rasulullah berkata: "Tentulah kalian mulia, kalian dekat denganku, kalian membantu perjuanganku, tetapi bukan kalian yang aku maksudkan....Rasulullah menundukkan wajahnya, baginda menitiskan air mata sehingga membasahi pipi dan janggutnya lalu berkata: "Wahai sahabatku, mereka adalah manusia-manusia yang lahir jauh setelah wafatnya aku, mereka terlalu mencintai Allah dan tahukah kalian, mereka tak pernah melihatku, mereka hidup tidak dekat denganku seperti kalian tetapi mereka sangat rindu kepadaku dan saksikanlah wahai sahabatku, bahawa AKU SANGAT RINDU PADA MEREKA, MEREKALAH UMATKU !
that is the first kisah. tengok, walaupun sahabat2 ramai pernah jumpa dengan Rasulullah, mendampingi Baginda, ikut sunnah, melalui zaman yang sukar hanya kerana mereka bergelar Islam, masuk perang, syahid...tapi diorang bukan golongan yang mulia. betapa darjat kita diangkat oleh Rasulullah, smpaikan kita digelar sebagai golongan yang mulia mengalahkan pejuang2 Islam yang hidup di zaman Rasulullah.
but kita kena ikut sunnah Nabi, baca banyak2 hadis, so that kita dekat dengan Nabi. kalau rasa berat sangat dua2 benda nie, at least kita kena berselawat ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad.
for now, itu sajalah yang ema kongsi ngan you guys. nanti bila ema dapat bahan, ema akan kongsi lagi mengenai Rasulullah. selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul!
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
tudung labuh
sebenarnya dah lama plan nk tulis somethng berkenaan tudung labuh nie...but then selalu bila bukak blog, mesti pandang ja, x tau nk tulis pasal apa. but then today i got the whole idea on what to write.
first of all, ema sangat kagum dengan orang yang memakai tudung labuh nie. diorang ada semangat untuk terus pakai tudung labuh without bothering about what people might think of them. (usually, people akan fikir diorang nie alim, baik, sopan-santun, x cakap ngan lelaki, low confidence) but diorang still stay strong, push aside whatever people think. the most important thing is that Allah redha dengan diorang.
but then, ema nak tegur sikit. kalau boleh, kemaskan sikit tudung tu masa pakai. jangan nampak 'serabai' and messy. people look up to you guys, so try to stay sweet & neat, so that people will have the feeling to also wear tudung labuh. honestly, only certain people look cute & sweet in tudung labuh. it has nothing to do with body size, make-up or the colour of the tudung. everything is in the way the person potrays the tudung labuh on herself. some people lack of smile in tudung labuh, so kurang sikit sweet dia. stuff like that la...
one more thing is that tudung labuh bukan penghalang! in case any of you females who think...
first of all, ema sangat kagum dengan orang yang memakai tudung labuh nie. diorang ada semangat untuk terus pakai tudung labuh without bothering about what people might think of them. (usually, people akan fikir diorang nie alim, baik, sopan-santun, x cakap ngan lelaki, low confidence) but diorang still stay strong, push aside whatever people think. the most important thing is that Allah redha dengan diorang.
but then, ema nak tegur sikit. kalau boleh, kemaskan sikit tudung tu masa pakai. jangan nampak 'serabai' and messy. people look up to you guys, so try to stay sweet & neat, so that people will have the feeling to also wear tudung labuh. honestly, only certain people look cute & sweet in tudung labuh. it has nothing to do with body size, make-up or the colour of the tudung. everything is in the way the person potrays the tudung labuh on herself. some people lack of smile in tudung labuh, so kurang sikit sweet dia. stuff like that la...
one more thing is that tudung labuh bukan penghalang! in case any of you females who think...
kalau aku pakai tudung labuh, susah la aku nak main apa2 nanti
to those yang berfikiran macam tue, please change your mind. i just witnessed a group of students yang main netball with tudung labuh. diorang x main comel2, cover2...diorang main ganas, just like other people main netball-giving no chance to the opponents. tudung labuh bukan penghalang...boleh je jogging dengan tudung labuh, x dak masalah eh...boleh je nak main kejar2 dengan tudung labuh...
perasaan dia sama macam kita pakai tudung lain. apa2 pun kena jaga kalau angin tiup or anything, takut ternampak aurat. but this situation occurs no matter what kindda tudung you wear rite? fikir-fikir laa...
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