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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

fashion icon

to me, lindsay lohan is a fashion icon among other young fashion icons all around the world. the one i saw just a while ago were Lauren Conrad, Taylor Swift & Rihanna. in my opinion, they dress well, but sometimes people like Rihanna come up with the most craziest outfit & are called a fashion icon. hmm...i mean, i know that celebs sometimes make mistakes in choosing the right attire when walking on the red carpet, but Lindsay had been amazing through the years. 

lindsaythis outfit here is one of Lindsay's best outfit on the red carpet. she got a lot of compliments for wearing this cute dress. but then, no doubt, she had a massive DRAMA thingy going on in her life. she was ok & cute all the while since she was a childstar, but then i think things turned rough & sticky once she faught with Hilary Duff over Aaron carter, & everyone labelled Lindsay a bad girl. then her dad, Michael did some cruel stuff to herself, got her all screwed up. & i agree Lindsay does not have a nice voice when she sings, but she's an awesome actress. she only had one album, Speak which was launched a very long time ago. but some of her tracks were quite good. 

Lindsay Lohan 9352 Wallpaperi'm not being bias here, but i realized Lindsay Lohan lipsync most of her songs, but that can't be helped right? hmm...she's still an amazing actress to me & people cannot juz hate her becoz of her DUI's...i really enjoyed her acting after i watched I Know Who Killed Me, but then that movie is nothing compared to 'Labor Pain'. this movie (Labor pain) is hillarious! hahaha...i was laughing all the way till the end! it was fun watching her acting a bit matured after movies like 'just My Luck' & 'Herbie Fully Loaded'. 

to me i think Lindsay is a beautiful girl with lots of problems in her life & i don;t blame her for anything she had done. it's normal that some celebs especially childstar in Hollywood face problems when they grow up. some handled these problems awesomely & some may not. just like that guy from Home Alone, he's dead now becoz of overdose., no matter what happens, i think i stand by this pretty girl with great talents & will keep on loving her as a fashion icon, a designer, an actress & even as a person.

Lindsay Lohan as Cady Heron in Mean Girls - 2004
isn't she cute?


so hari nie, bgun lmbt gila nk mampus...x tau la sbb apa...had a bad dream pulak...haiyo! but then, i had a great day wif mum sbb ikut mum pegi shopping curtain utk raya. so, 1st, pegi tmpt abah keja dulu, n then byr bil & then naik bus. smpai ke destinasi, nmpk byk gila curtain, ema pun pilih la ikut suka ema. finally, ema pilih curtain warna biru + turqoise...sgt cntik curtain tue. lps tue pilih curtain wrna brown utk blik mak & kitchen. wehee...seronok sgt! so, then now, we'll see if my curtain choices were the best, coz my sis x suka sgt my taste...but mum ckp ok jaa...

Sunday, 29 May 2011


i guess my sista & momma call me drama queen in the house for a reason kot. you see, at home, i'm always watching dramas & tv shows that are D-R-A-M-A oriented. such as, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Laguna Beach, Kimora, Project Runway...the list juz goes on & on. & then i like singing in front of my mum whenever during the commercials, the Glee casts sing 'Teenage Dream' or 'Forget You'. i would even dance in front of her. =)

so then in the morning, i went to take my driving lessons & i waited outside the branch at almost 8am, but the branch doesn't seem to open. i waited behind the bush with my bike. & out of nowhere came out two big dogs, shocked to see me hiding behind the bush, & started barking at me, non-stop! i had nowhere to run but keep walking entering the house behind it. seems like, there are more dogs behind there! oh, Gosh! ujian apakah nie Ya Allah? i kept on walking, wanting to walk by the roadside, but the dog kept chasing after me, barking loudly! the dog was quite close to me, & each time i stop to kindda relax itself, so that it wouldn't bark at me again, it came closer to me, which made me walk. oh, gosh! 
finally i screamed coz i was terrified by it. i came very close to me! oh, crap! i finally walked away when the dog's owner called the dog & apologized to me. i ended up near the fire station, waiting for the dog to walk away, but it kept sniffing all around the place & kept looking up, sensing me. haiyo!! i called up the agency & found out that the branch is not open today, oh, snap! 

so, i waited patiently for the dog to sniff all around the lot, & i hurriedly jumped on the bike, not bothering to put my handbag in the back part of the bike. i ended up placing the handbag in the basket. haiyo! wat if someone were to just snatch it? nauzubillah. once i started the engine, the dog kindda got scared & just ran off. Fiuh! what a day! so, i pray that tomorrow, everything will be ok...ameen!!

Saturday, 28 May 2011

sweet love quotes...

never heard or read anywhere bout these love quotes. very interesting quotes indeed, so i thought to post it! 

as soon as i get home, i go straight to the computer & look at your away message, hoping you'll somehow confess your love for me

you're the kind of guy that could slit my throat & with my last breath, 
i'd apologize for getting blood on your shirt

every love song makes me cry, 
because every love song reminds me of you

love is like a piano, first you must learn to play by the rules, 
then you forget the rules, & start playing from the heart.

sometimes i wonder if life is really worth it,
then i look at your smile & i know it is

if you love someone, set them free,
if they return, they were always yours, if they don't, they never were
never frown when you're sad,
you never know who's falling in love with your smile

no person is worth your tears, 
& the one it is, won't make you cry

to the world, you may be one person,
but to the person, you may be the world

if you love someone, don't put their name in a heart, but in a circle.
a heart may be broken, but a circle goes on forever

some people say you fall in love only once,
but everytime i hear your voice, i fall in love all over again

you know you're in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye

im jealous of every girl who has hugged you, 
because for a moment they had my whole world in their arms 

i get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile,
because i know for a second, i crossed your mind

one day i caught myself smiling for no reason,
then i realized i was thinking of you

i want to fall for you,
but i'm not sure that you'll catch me

why am i afraid to lose you, when you aren't mine?

Friday, 27 May 2011

korean singers

"brapa byk korean singers or bands can u name me?" 

the wonder girls....
kalau soalan nie ema tanya kt K-Pop fans, mmg laju ja nama2 mereka keluar. i actually watched K-POP HITZ kat astro hitz tadi petang, sbb bosan sgt. saja2 ja bukak channel tue...hihiihi...& then ema pun terasa nk buat satu post psl K-Pop.

okeyh, straight to the point k? ema rasa korean singers, especially yg nyanyi dlm group tue, x dak bakat dlm nyanyi. diorang ada bakat dlm menari. kalau kita tgok 'The Wondergirls' for example. diorang punya notes in singing x penah tinggi, byknya, semua low tone @ note. kalau tinggi pun, sorang ja yg akn tarik suara dia tinggi, & that high note is not that high laa...more to flat! & kalau tgok kt konsert diorang kan, they actually do the dancing & the singing is much less...if yu watch closely masa konsert, akn ada part yg diorang semua x nyanyi but then ada suara yg keluar. don't you think they're actually playing the song? & most of the time, lagu2 rancak, mcm 'Tell Me', for example, diorang akn dance & less on singing. i noticed that laa...x tau la korang mcm mana. 

same goes to boy groups...diorang mmg terror menari, mmg that's true. but then bila nyanyi, diorang x delah nyanyi terror mana pun. tadi ema tgok 2PM punya song. laki2 dia comel la jugak. blh la thn...diorang mmg jaga body & perfect in dancing, but in no no! i guess diorang nie popular pun sbb muka diorang & diorang punya dance moves kot. 

lagi satu kan, kenapa when it comes to songs in Korean industry, nama lagu dia semua dlm English, but then bila diorang nyanyi, langsung x sebut pun the English word? hmm...i noticed this in most of Korean songs. sometimes, the English words akn dinyanyi part chorus, tapi skit ja laa...hmm...weird...


today, so many things happened!
i dreamt of fighting with a girl, i mean like real fight!
i slapped her face, kicked her, boxed her & she did the same to me.
no idea who she was or why was she doing that to me
& then tadi masak nasi goreng utk kali pertama
serious, spnjg ema hidup, x penah goreng nasi, even utk diri sendiri.
so tadi baru dpt tau, sbnrnya goreng nasi nie bnda sng ja...
& then ema catch-up nagn kwn lama.
ema jarang ckp ngan dia kt skolah dulu, 
tapi something dlm diri ema suruh ckp ngan dia..
ema takut dia pikir lain, but then ema gagahkn diri gak...
sbb ema bukn nk buat bnda jht kt dia...
alhamdulillah, everything went well.
dia ckp ngan ema mcm dia ckp ngan kwn2 dia yg lain, seronok rasanya...
FIUH! wat a day!

i didn't lose

just because ur online & i juz don't dare talking or catting with you, it doesn't mean i lost to you. 
i just love myself more than i hate you. 
i don't want to hurt myself by thinking about what i've done to you the whole day.
call me all you want, but i love ME!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

review on nur kasih the movie

okay, so tadi tgok Nur Kasih: The Movie ngan bestie kt 1st Avenue. cntik sgt tmpt tue, mungkin sbb baru lagi kot., bayar tiket rm10....agk mahal kalau compare ngan harga tiket kt Prangin Mall. but then bila masuk2 cinema, baru tau sbb apa harga tiket mahal sgt. sbbnya, cinema nie sgt cantik, bersih, screen dia sgtlah luas & sound system was perfect! baru tgok advertistment, ema dah tension, dah menjerit2 x tentu hala. sbb advertistment, dia tunjuk cerita hantu...mana x menjerit! haizz....& then kisah pun bermula laa...

suka sgt tgok muka Fizz Fairuz dlm movie nie...
so, the story is a bit sad sbb Aidil punya wife Aliaa dah mati awal2 cerita. sedih laa...sbb ema suka kt dia, bukan Nur. hmm...x pelah, gagahkan diri tgok movie nie smpai habis. tapi cerita nie meleret-leret. start ngan nur keguguran, then diorang ada train crash, lps tue Adam hilang pulak sbb cari cincin...haiz...x fhm betul aku! kalau aku Nur la kan, mesti aku x bg dah suami aku risk his life sbb nk cari cincin (hrta dunia) yg ntah apa2. lbih baik beli cincin baru & kitaorg sama2 perbaharui vow kitaorg! betul x? its juz too much...smpaikn i felt 'bila la movie nie nk habis?'

comel kn muka Norman Hakim? hihihi...
dgn air cond dia yg sgtlah sejuk, mmg x tahan dah. bestie yg kt sblh dah mula melentok-lentok kepala dia ats bahu ema...dia dah ngantuk sbb cerita dok pi ntah ke mana...haizz...when i thought movie dah abis, tgok2 adam kena heart attack pulak. Aidil plak kena pukul! haizz...ada2 ja bnda yg jadi kan? ingatkn Adam mati, tgok2 hidup lagi...bila cerita nk hbis nie? tgok2 Nur ada Alzheimer, pulak dahh! & then tetiba, out of nowhere, muncul pulak Norman Hakim dgn baju Melayu dia...sucinya muka!! ema dah x thn tgok dia...dah mula 'AWWH!' mcm nk pengsan tgok dia...hihihihih...ema sgt suka kt Norman walaupun dia ceraikan Abby & all the drama yg jadi psl Memey & stuff. sbbnya, he's still standing. dia masih laku di psrn. he took all the problems & drama dgn cara yg baik. kesian kt Abby sbb dia dah gain weight, but still standing gak laa...blh tahan laa...

lps tue cerita pun hbis dgn Nur masih kenal anak dia, that guy from Ruffedge. habis2 movie nie, ema pun bgun laa...tgok blkg, nmpk semua org tgh duduk lagi. ema pun wonder la, apa diorang nk tunggu lagi? movie kan dah abis? hmm...mcm2 karenah org, kita mana nk tau kan? hahahaa....ema jadi susah nk jalan sbb lutut lenguh, dok lama sgt & tgn plak menggeletar sbb sejuk sgt. haizz...mcm2 plak karenah cik adik nie kan? hihihih...

gosip artis Gambar Terkini Jehan Miskinsatu bnda ema pikir masa kt dlm cinema tue, is how people can sit with their partners & watch a movie in a cinema? sejuk nk mampus kot! & then my bestie ckp, 'sbb tue yg syok tue...' hahahah...barulah ema faham! hihihihi... *wink*

P/S: terkejut beruk jugak ema bila nmpk Jehan Miskin dlm movie nie. tetiba je dia muncul ngan gaya rambut dia yg baru! haiyo!

i seeked for help

okay, so banyak persoalan yg timbul berdasarkan post ema yg lepas 'ketahui aurat anda' untuk lelaki. so, ema buat keputusan untuk tnaya yg pakar. ema tanay ustaz ema yg mengajar ema dulu. i asked him yesterday & i don't exactly knw when will he reply my message & give me the answers i need. so, to all you people yg wonder & terfikir about whtas right & wrong, plz wait k? when i finally dpt answer tue, i'll tell you guys...

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

get this right people

well, obviously everybody kindda opened their eyes after this video 'alejandro' by Lady Gaga. it was a superb hit...i mean the song was great. for people like me, who listened the1st time, i thought it was about a person (a girl) freeing herself from the clutch or a guy, who happens to be Alejandro.but then Alejandro turned out to the Jesus, & Lady Gaga actually wanted to free herself from Jesus...haiz...& the whole song is full of clues & signs & symbols...which lead to illuminati or freemasons. some people may have realized that Lady Gaga is an illuminatist, but all of you juz gotta wake up & smell da coffee..there are more people out there. Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Ke$ha & Drake are some of them who are very daring in showing off that they are in this. well, i can show you some of the evidence if you're interested. 

first up, is this picture...with jay-Z. if you were to look at it properly,this is a symbol of a triangle. don't just look it as a normal triangle you draw in the kindergarten. listen, these people do whatever they do for a reason. look at how Jay-Z placed his hands (with the triangle symbol) in such way that only one of his eyes could be seen in the shot? wanna know what the triangle actually stands for? 
it's called 'The All Seeing Eye'. some say it is the eye of the Dajjal & it is a symbol of illuminati.
Aeon Flux Illuminati All Seeing Eye
The All seeing eye symbol-created
so unique & beautiful, so that we
do not realize it
guess what? these people are very very smart & intelligent. they want you & me & all of us to wear these symbols without us realizing we're apart of them. kita bljr masa skolah dulu, ada 3 cara utk kita menyekutukan Allah. samada melalui perkataan kita, hati kita atau tingkah laku kita. kalaupun kita x ckp kita dah murtad (lisan) atau kita fikir ada Tuhan slain Allah (hati), kalau kita pakai baju @ pakaian yg mengandungi simbol agama lain, kita dianggap syirik pada Allah kan? sbb tue lah, ema nk ketengahkan kt sini, diorang nie nk kita sesat, masuk agama diorang, terima fahaman diorang, so that diorang jadi lebih kuat & Islam jadi lemah.
Beyonce Illuminati All-Seeing Eye
nmpk x simbol yg Beyonce buat? 
tapi jangan korang slah faham. Iluminati bukan agama @ fahaman org Kristian. fahaman iluminati adlh trpesong drpd agama Kristian. org Kristian pun tgh perangi agama nie. ema penah check & selidik psl fahaman iluminati kt internet sblm nie & ema jumpa satu website di mana org kristian sndiri mintak budak2, remaja2 balik ke pangkal jalan, peluk semula agama Kristian. 

okay, skrg kita unfold penyanyi yg ema ckp kt atas nie. mungkin korang x perasan Rihanna pun buat, dan rihanna buat dgn banyak, tnpa kita sedari. kita nyanyi ja lagu dia npa kita tau mana hala tuju & maksud lagu dia. paling simple, ema amik lagu hit dia 'Umbrella'. so skrg kita nk buat post mortem ats lagu umbrella. you guys ready? 

We Roc-A-Fellas,We fly higher than weather,And she flies it better
nie part yg Jay-Z akn rap masa awal lagu nie. dia ada sebut Roc-A-Fella kan? ok, Roc-A-Fella adlh company Jay-Z. tapi tgok simbol syarikat dia. nmpk x yg Jay-Z buat simbol tgn bntuk segi tiga dlm picture nie? & nmpk x ada mcm chya betul2 kt bhgian segi tiga yg Jay-Z buat tu? Don't you think this could also be a sign? a hidden sign of the all Seeing Eye? you never know. Actually, ema pun baru perasan yg syarikat dia ada simbol mcm nie.

You know me, in anticipation for precipitation, Stack chips for the rainy day,Jay, Rain Man is back with Little Miss Sunshine
Rihanna, where you at?
nie pun part yg Jay-Z rap. cuba perhati yg dia sebut Rain Man is back. tau x Rain Man is actually Tuhan dlm diorang punya fahaman? kita akn dpt tgok muka Rain Man nie. kejap k?
so, album rihanna yg ada lagu Umbrella nie ialah 'Good Girl Gone Bad' kan? tau x ada mksud trsirat di sebalik nama album pun? hmm...mksud lagu nie pun ada byk, ema akn unfold satu per satu. so, lagu nie bukn brkisar psl seorg perempuan atau kwn buat perjanjian ngan kwn dia yg lain, ckp yg dia akn tetap brada di sisi kwn dia tue no matter what happens. sbb, kalau baca lirik lagu dia sekali lalu, that's what kita akan pikir. but actually, lagu nie cerita psl seorg perempuan yg baik (good girl) dirogol & perempuan nie brtukar mnjadi seorang yg jahat (bad girl) Tau x Illuminati nie suka main konsep contra7st? contohnya mcm Good vs Evil; Black vs White; positive vs negative; light vs dark...mcm2 lagi.
so, pada awal klip video Umbrella, nmpk x Rihanna akn pakai topi hitam, baju pun serba hitam, kasut pun hitam, hand glove pun hitam. & then bila Rihanna hadapkn muka dia kt camera, approximately dlm 5-7 saat video brmula, only satu mata Rihanna ja yg kita nmpk. satu lagi diselindungkn bwh topi hitam dia tue? that is the sign of The All Seeing Eye. & throughout this video kita akn nmpk yg Rihanna tutup half of her face ngan rmbut dia, & hnya nmpkkan satu mata dia shja. 
then, Jay-Z akn rap kan awal2 lagu nie. cuba perhati berapa org penari yg menari blkg dia? ada 6 org kesemuanya. keenam-enam diorang semua perempuan kan? ada mksud di sebalik penari2 nie. ema akn explain kesemuanya at the end of the post-mortem.
a Masonic temple in Penang 
okay, lps tue bila masuk korus lagu nie yg pertama, (Rihanna akn pakai dress warna putih & rmbut dia dah curly2; approximately on the 56-57 sec of the video), kita akn nmpk water splash kan? tiba2 je water tue splash dari kanan & kiri & dlm video nie Rihanna akan avoid water splashes ni dri trkena bdn dia. but then ada yg kena bdn dia. cuba perhati elok2 brapa kali water splashes nie kena bdn Rihanna. (ada mksud di sebalik water splashes nie..) so, kalau kira betul2 ada 6 water splashes yg kena bdn Rihanna. 
mksud di sebalik water splashes nie adlh Rihanna kena rogol 6 kali oleh Rain Man. Creepy kan? but, that's the truth. ok, & then from 1:23-1:39, Rihanna akn put on her ballet shoes & jln ats the floor full of glitters kan? kalau perhati elok2, the floor is a black & white checkered tiled floor. Freemasons have this tiles in their church. it is part of their symbols as well. dlm picture sblh nie, nmpk x lntai dia checkered hitam putih? ema x bohong kan?

& then from 2:24-2:46 kita akn nmpk shots yg agk cepat & pnts of the naked Rihanna covered in dunno wat with a few poses. dlm byk2 pose Rihanna tue, ada dlm 3-4 kali Rihanna akn sit @ lie dlm triangle tue. mmg akn nmpk la, but agk cepat dia punya shots, sbb nk mengaburi mata kita, bg x nmpk. 
masa lagu nk dkt habis, Rihanna akn menari dgn 6 org lelaki. kalau x percaya, cuba tgok sndiri. & as usual, ada mksud di sebalik 6 penari nie jugak. lps lagu habis, nmpk x Rihanna angkt kedua-dua tgn dia up in the air, mcm worshipping something in the sky as she sings 'come in to me, come in to me' at approximately 4:10 of the video? hmm, apa pulak mksud bnda tue?

okay, so, dari awal lagu-starting from the 6 female dancers to 6 water splashes to 6 male dancers, nombor yg kita dpt 666. kpada yg x tau, itu adlh nombor syaitan. kalau x percaya, juz google image '666' akn ada byk pictures yg mnakutkan. okay, part rape tue is actually Rihanna being raped 6 times too give birth to 6 Rain Man sons. ema ckp kt ats post nie yg kita akn dpt tgok Rain Man kan? too bad through the entire video clip, it happened too fast, smpai ema x leh nk trgkn or pause at the particular frameshot. so, ema akn tunjukkan korang the Rain Man through this video. dlm video yg ema kan tunjuk kt bwh nie, you can actually see the Rain Man at approximately 7:32.
okay, so everything yg disebut dlm video tue ada la skit2 ema amik & ada yg dia x explain dlm video tue yg ema sendiri explain. so, sama2 kita akn dpt the complete view on this. what i'm trying to say is, there are lots more out there. & hari nie ema juz unfold psl Rihanna. kalau nk cerita psl semua org, mmg amik masa. all you can do is be aware of your surroundings, listen to the songs & if you suspect something funny, check it out yourself. so, i hope bnda nie akn buat kita semua sedar yg byk propaganda yg these people guna utk hncurkn hidup kita, iman kita. i hope this post really helped all of you about Illuminati. Wallahualam.

nmpk tak The All Seeing Eye ats pyramid sblh kiri $1 bill Amerika?

Lady Gaga Illuminati All-Seeing Eye
some of the tricks used by singers to show The All seeing Eyes symbol