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Friday 6 May 2011


finally, today i woke up early, wore my class T-shirt, brought along my map & went to my bestie's house..tgok2 minyak motor tinggal ciput, pegi lah isi minyak kt Shell. i wanted to brake, & instead of applying the foot brake, i used the hand brake instead! terhenjut2 la kami dorang! malu!! tmbh lak ngn the SCREECHING noise, the whole station turned & looked at us! OMG!!! & then lps isi minyak, ema lupa nk angkat stand! AIYO!! nasib baik la ada kakak tue tlg bgtau...

then we ALMOST got lost, but luckily jalan tue straight jaa, so no chance of getting lost...the first part was kindda hard, coz the hill is kindda steep...i felt like im so out of shape coz i was almost panting...& all the way up & our way down, we both kept on talking on how we hate some people in life...we shared everything...we even had an open discussion bout, we made 5 successful laps...yay!!!
i ran into my tuition teacher Mrs Viji there...caught up with her & then we both said bye-bye...

had a proper breakfast at Mc Donalds...hahaha...& then came back at about 11.30 am...was feeling very very tired...I slept for 3 hours, hahaha...i guess becoz my body is not used to this kind of shock...hahaha....

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