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dont wanna look like i just woke up from bed on my wedding day *pic:Demi Lovato* |
then, imagine yourself in THAT face @ look you're in, getting married. and when i say married, please don't imagine yourself with beautiful eye shadow what not. no. just that face you just looked in the mirror and your wedding. meaning to say that, you're n your wedding day without applying any make-up on.
boleh x imagine? imagine diri sendiri x berdandan @ bersolek pada hari perkahwinan, yang akan berlangsung sekali sahaja seumur hidup. *insyaAllah x ada kali kedua*
jangankan korang, ema sendiri x boleh imagine diri ema without any make-up on my own wedding day. even now, i've planned stuff-especially the make-up part. knowing that i have dark complexion, i would not wanna look like a total ZOMBIE on my wedding day. i dont want the make-up artist *fuyohh! ayat dalam bahasa org puteh high standard gila! org melayu panggil mak andam je pun...* to simply dab on too much foundation, cream, whatever-you-call-it on my face, for the sake to look WHITE & FAIR on my wedding day.
plus, being a Muslim, you know that accessories like fake eyelashes, too thick foundation is forbidden in Islam. and i wouldn't wanna burden my husband *then, not now* with my sins, on the very first day i become his wife. tak nak!
but i've never thought to not apply make-up at all on my wedding day.
in the first place, ada ka org yg sanggup bergambar on her wedding day without any make-up? tau2 jelah muka sendiri kan? mesti ada kesan jerawat, kulit kusam, jeragat...*aceh, macam advertistment produk muka la plak!* kita mesti nak look beautful, x nak tunjuk kat org yang muka kita ada jerawat kat sini & situ kan?
tapi, ada sorang akak nie, dia mmg betul2 cuci muka dia smpai bersih after the mak andam make-up kan dia. sebab dia x nak tabarruj. dia mintak maaf ngan mak andam nie, dressed up in her wedding outfit and then keluar drpd bilik pengantin. orang yang ada kat luar bilik tu terkejut and tanya dia, 'x make-up ke?' guess what she did, she smiled without saying anything. and yes, dia tangkap gambar kahwin without any make-up on!
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wanna look all natural, not too much make-up on my wedding day *pic:Demi Lovato* |
after reading her post, i started thinking, 'will i be able to be ANYTHING like her?'
P/S: antara dua picture yang ema letak pun, mesti korang dah boleh differentiate which Demi look is more beautiful & acceptable on a wedding day kan?
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