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Thursday 26 November 2015


Have you been called or labelled a fashion victim by your friends and family members before?
Do you mix and match the same outfits over and over again, not knowing how else to spice up your look?

No worries. Here's a few fashion tips to help you stay away from being a victim.

Fashion tip 1: accessories
Anything ranging from a bandana, hair clip, earrings, rings...put them on and you have already changed the way people look at you.

Have you heard of statement jewelleries? Statement pieces definitely help better your look and make it more fashion forward. You can either pick a piece that has similar colour to your outfit or be bold-pick a totally different colour!

Fashion tip 2: fashion magazines
Get a magazine at the newsstand and flip through the pages. There's endless ideas on how to style and make an outfit work better. The magazines discuss on different colours and designs that are the in-season. Did you notice the ads that are in a magazine? You can also check out how the models work the clothes in the ad! If you like the style, you can use them in styling your outfits.

Fashion tip 3: stay simple
With too many information on what's trending in fashion world, sometimes, one can get too excited and put on an outfit that is too much. Try to keep it original by being true to yourself. Maintain your own style and do not over accessorize.
Get a close friend's opinion on your style, as they know you best! 

Last but not least, have fun and be confident. Happy styling!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Baitul Muslim Online?

Assalamualaikum, people.

Salam Ramadhan kareem...

This morning, we were having a study group session for an upcoming quiz, and out f a sudden, a friend told the rest that she went online and ALMOST signed up to Baitul Muslim. To those who don;t know what this is, it is a group of people, working like matchmakers, matchmaking the right Islamic way. They claimed that they would match us up with the candidates and the two candidates will exchange a few words, see where it leads them. If they like each other, then, they shall proceed into marriage or whatever plans they have.

We are around 23-24 years old in the group, and the pressure is on! most of our friends either are in a relationship or interested in someone, engaged or married. One is even pregnant with her first child!
personally, if you;ve been reading my blog, you;d know my personal views on marriage. I'm not looking to get married anytime soon, because i know i'm not ready!

However, i helped two friends fill in the forms online, and at one section, they asked the candidates to explain a little bit on themselves. Then, it hit me, what if someone would like to know me, and he asks me what am i like, what will i say?

- i'm crazy. seriously, no kidding. ask my friends
- i'm hyper, like a child who ate 10 cotton candies for breakfast...every single day! deal with it!
- i'm short and slightly plump, but i take no actions to reduce my weight. i'm that lazy.
- i love music, watching my favourite bands play live on Youtube, and I'd be singing along, clapping my hands, cheering them for the other side of the screen
- i love watching horror movies, even though i get scared easily, but the thrill to know the level of horror gives me the adrenaline
- i am a strong minded person, once i put my head onto something, there's no way you can change my mind
- i love kids! chubby cheeks, Auntie Ema's here!
- i love to cook, but either too lazy to get in the kitchen or too lazy to do the dishes after that. Love watching cooking shows, love how chefs do their thing!
- i am a sucker for love stories! i crack up watching guys trying too hard to get a girl's attention. so when someone tries to flirt with me, i'm constantly smiling or laughing, coz i'm laughing at how desperate the guy is at getting my attention. Sorry guys! don;t get the wrong idea!
- oh, and i'm flirtatious! with all the smiling and giggling, guys ALWAYS get the wrong idea.
- love guys in uniform! *faints*
- i wish i could travel, but my parents are pretty restrictive
- i love animals, growing up i thought i'd be a veterinarian, but because i have sinusitis (i guess?) my Abah put his foot down and told me to pick dentistry instead
- i'm a drama queen. I watch all sorts of drama on TV and would apply it in daily life. Guilty as charged!
- i'm addicted to caffeine. everyday, i need a cup of coffee to keep me going
- i am super friendly, you'd know me right away after a few minutes of conversation.
- i call myself Bubblyema, because i brighten up people's lives! *cough*
- i'm very flexible, i don;t mind your educational status, work, salary-as long as you are willing to accept me and my career, i will stand by you no matter what happen. *heart aches* (i'm being honest here, man) 
- i'm pretty honest. if i like you, i like you. if i don't, you'd know.

there you go, pretty much everything about me!

anyone interested? hahaa...


Saturday 25 April 2015

"Having a boyfriend means bad person eh?"

Situation: In the OT. Specialists crowd by the patient and we can't see anything. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" A Chinese friend asked. She battled her eyelashes. Even from behind a mask, I knew she was grinning.
"No la..I'm a good girl" 
"Huh? Meaning having a boyfriend makes you a bad girl?" She has a boyfriend.
I pat her back. "I'm not saying you're a bad person because you have a boyfriend..."
The chaos in the OT stopped our conversation.

Assalamualaikum, readers.

This topic has  been an issue, something I debated with myself over the past years. And each year, or with different situations I encounter, I would have different opinions about it.
When I was in lower secondary, I believed that I will date a person before I get married. Because I wanna know how good/bad they are, and if they are bad, I would eventually stop the marriage from taking place.

When I entered matrics or 1st year in dentistry, I realized I wanted to get married to someone my parents choose for me. That way, I would get blessings and I simply love surprises. 

When I was in matrics also, I came across friends who were dating. Some didn't let their parents know about their relationship with boys, and I believed this is wrong. That we should never embarrass our parents and make sins behind their back.
Most of them were dating and their family knew about it. I thought it was okay, since the parents already knew about this, nothing could go wrong. And the parents have given their blessings anyways.

Boy, was I wrong.

Ever heard of stories of good girl dating supposedly-good-boy and after date #16 the girl didn't come back home that one night, where she had a not-so-consensual-sexual-intercourse with her boyfriend? Even worse, the parents knew this boy since he brought her to prom and date night every weekend. *gasp*

How does parents acknowledgements have anything to do with the event that has scarred their precious daughter's life forever? 

Ever since then, my perspective changed 360 degrees. 

That's when I decided to not fall in love, go dating or whatever. Arranged marriage was definite. Probably would never go out on dates with my future husband, or maybe go out with my brother accompanying me or even better my dad. hahaha...

Again, it's a choice. 

You wanna fall in love, go out on dates and love marriage, I pray for your happiness. InsyaAllah...


Sunday 22 March 2015

future kids-English VS Bahasa Melayu

Assalamualaikum and fine greetings everybody.

Sorry for the late updates. Its been months since my very last entry. Lately, being in the inic make me very tired. when i say very tired it means, super sleepy at 8.30pm, sleeping on the bed with the same clothes i wore in the morning, catching up to Criminal Minds, Pretty Little Liars and Supernatural after waking up at 11 pm, shower at 11.30 pm and then sit down to study whatever i can for the next day.

I was just wondering about the new generation ya know? 
Like your kids and my kids, and their kids after that. 
Right now, all parents are trying to introduce and teach their kids English as early as they possibly can. 
Sheikh Muzaffar's daughters were both introduced to speaking English at such young ages that they could speak as fluent as an American kid. 

It's become a trend. 

Tomok (a local singer) and his wife also introduced their son to English while he was still a little kid. And now, he is 2 years old i think. and he can;t even speak Malay properly. He can't pronounce Malay words properly.
And when he went back to his father's village and he saw a little chicken, he started singing 'Ol Mac Donald. 

Trust me, all parents out there are also implementing this on their kids. Even if it's broken English, it's okay. as long as their kid are able to speak in English.

And it got me thinking...

When these kids enter preschool or Standard 1 (1st Grade), everyone will be communicating with each other in English. And you can't point to a student and say, "He's good in English" because everyone will be good in English.
Probably, English would be just another ordinary language. Being good in English does not make you any special than the other other kids.

What would happen to Bahasa Melayu?

Teachers would have to teach the kids like it's a new language. Ha!
The government would start to come up with "Sayangi Bahasa Melayu" (Love the Malay language) campaigns. 
And who knows what more...

Maybe i should start teaching my kids Arabic language or maybe Mandarin or Italian. just to ensure my kids stand out from the crowd.

See, now my mind has gone competitive mood! 

I was wondering of what kind of a mother i would be. If i could I wanna educate my kids competition isn't everything. That they should have passion and interest in education, not blindly learning it to score in the exams.

But, it would be difficult in a society where teachers and educators rate a child or teen smart and stupid based on their exam results. 

Wow! look at me. thinking ahead of myself. 

I hope all of you ponder about this and bring up your kids wisely.

*i don;t know how to end this entry*
*been erasing and typing and erasing them again*
