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Sunday 22 March 2015

future kids-English VS Bahasa Melayu

Assalamualaikum and fine greetings everybody.

Sorry for the late updates. Its been months since my very last entry. Lately, being in the inic make me very tired. when i say very tired it means, super sleepy at 8.30pm, sleeping on the bed with the same clothes i wore in the morning, catching up to Criminal Minds, Pretty Little Liars and Supernatural after waking up at 11 pm, shower at 11.30 pm and then sit down to study whatever i can for the next day.

I was just wondering about the new generation ya know? 
Like your kids and my kids, and their kids after that. 
Right now, all parents are trying to introduce and teach their kids English as early as they possibly can. 
Sheikh Muzaffar's daughters were both introduced to speaking English at such young ages that they could speak as fluent as an American kid. 

It's become a trend. 

Tomok (a local singer) and his wife also introduced their son to English while he was still a little kid. And now, he is 2 years old i think. and he can;t even speak Malay properly. He can't pronounce Malay words properly.
And when he went back to his father's village and he saw a little chicken, he started singing 'Ol Mac Donald. 

Trust me, all parents out there are also implementing this on their kids. Even if it's broken English, it's okay. as long as their kid are able to speak in English.

And it got me thinking...

When these kids enter preschool or Standard 1 (1st Grade), everyone will be communicating with each other in English. And you can't point to a student and say, "He's good in English" because everyone will be good in English.
Probably, English would be just another ordinary language. Being good in English does not make you any special than the other other kids.

What would happen to Bahasa Melayu?

Teachers would have to teach the kids like it's a new language. Ha!
The government would start to come up with "Sayangi Bahasa Melayu" (Love the Malay language) campaigns. 
And who knows what more...

Maybe i should start teaching my kids Arabic language or maybe Mandarin or Italian. just to ensure my kids stand out from the crowd.

See, now my mind has gone competitive mood! 

I was wondering of what kind of a mother i would be. If i could I wanna educate my kids competition isn't everything. That they should have passion and interest in education, not blindly learning it to score in the exams.

But, it would be difficult in a society where teachers and educators rate a child or teen smart and stupid based on their exam results. 

Wow! look at me. thinking ahead of myself. 

I hope all of you ponder about this and bring up your kids wisely.

*i don;t know how to end this entry*
*been erasing and typing and erasing them again*


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