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Sunday 30 October 2011

tanggungjawab saya..

saya dah jalankan tanggungjawab saya menasihati awak...
kalau awak x ikut, saya dikira bersalah ke?
sebab saya dah tegur awak, then ada org lain yg tegur awak jugak...
kalau awak x makan nasihat, saya nk buat mcm mana ek?
awak dah la suka sgt ikut kepala awak, saya pun naik fed-up...
tapi setiap kali saya tgok awak, mesti saya rasa bersalah sbb x nasihat awak ngan cara yg betul..
x pasal2 awak ngan saya tanggung dosa bersama...

lagi satu bnda ema nk kongsi kt sini...
ema mendapat teguran secara x langsung drpd sorang shbt facebook nie..
menurut kawan saya tu, kalau kita puji kwn kita buat bnda salah..
contohnya mcm kalau dia x tutup aurat, pastu kita puji lak rmbut dia cantik laa...
atau kalau dia pakai baju x senonohz sikit, pastu kita ckp plak, baju yg dia pakai tu cantik gilerr...
atau kalau dia tangkap gambo ngan pakwe dia, then kita plak comment, alalala, comelnya korang together...
semua perkara dia atas & yg sama waktu dgnnya semua adalah bnda yg x patut kita buat sbnrnya...
kita akn kongsi sikit saham dosa dia...
sbb kita mendorng dia untuk terus buat salah...
alaa, kalau org puji kita, msti kita pun nk keep up ngan trend so that lebih ramai lagi puji kita kan?
mcm tu jugak la kt sini...
oleh itu kwn2, marilah ramai2 kita pledge kt sini, utk cuba halang diri kita drpd terus mendorong kwn2 kita kt luar sana utk terus buat dosa...
kalau boleh, kita just tgok gambar tu, and then don't comment or like the picture. just ignore. 
but kalau boleh, kita nasihati dia ke arah kebaikan...but, in a good manner...

kalau awak kata awak kesiankan saya, awak xkn buat apa yg awak buat kt saya...
saya ngaku, saya penah kacau awak, ganggu awak...
but is this a revenge?
if it is, saya akn cuba elakkan dari ganggu awak..
actually, saya jarang ganggu awak...
awak yg selalu sangat ganggu saya...
smpaikan saya terpaksa mencari jalan lain...
tapi, mungkin semua ini ada hikmahnya...
Allah Maha Mengetahui, setiap yg terjadi itu, pasti ada sebab tertentu mengapa ia berlaku...
insya-Alla, akan ku perbaiki diri yg comot nie...
untuk menjadi diri yg comel...

Saturday 29 October 2011

me no likeyy!

if me no likey, me will not talky talky..
if me no likey, me will not hang out...
if me no likey, me won't smiley smiley...
if me no likey, me just pug earphones...
if me no likey, me will not listen...
if me no likey, me will walk away...

sorry bout the gedikss of talking above..i'm so fed-up, i dont know what else i should be saying. i can't be expressing my feelings to anybody here, coz it'll be complicated...TOO COMPLICATED karang...
ema kt sini, sgt sederhana, x tonjolkn diri sgt mcm kt matriks...sbb kalau ema tonjolkn dii, nanti ema yg sangkut...sangkut ngan SkANDAL sekeliling pinggang. cukuplah skandal yg dok ada slama nie...
tapi kt sini pun ema pasang skandal gak...but with Chinese guys...hehehe...but honestly, ema x dak number laki dm klas ema, except 4 the ones in my group, which is only 3 guys...hehehe...*smiley smiley*
orite orite, later kita celoteh2 lagi k? 
btw, ema realize, i'm the only one actively blogging almost every day...hehehe...

Friday 28 October 2011

feeling guilty

well, for the past few days, i've been feeling guilty...
don't like this feeling...
but then after talking to my bestie, she told me only one this..
hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil
'cukuplah Allah (menjadi penolong) bagi kami, dan Dialah sebaik-baik pelindung'
dari surah Ali Imraan, ayat 173
so, the key is that, Allah is always there for me..
whether i'm a bad a** or a good sweet girl..
and He had been protecting me all along...
He's all i need...
no one else but Him..
moral of the story: ema kena rapatkan hubungan ngan Allah. my relationship status should be in a relationship with Allah...subhanallah...(will i ever be in a relationship with Him? would He accept me?)

Thursday 27 October 2011

hate hate hate..

hate this crappy feeling in me...
i did something wrong...
a lot of things in fact...
we chatted all night long, up to 4 am..
then, he texted me in the afternoon, asking for places he could hang out...
then, texts exchanged between us until late evening...
that's when things got really...really...
i don't have the word to describe..
but, i felt crappiest by then..

madly in love...

i'm in looveeee!!!
do you ever believe me??
i'm always telling people i'm in love..
but when it comes to WHO IS THAT GUY??
i'll go, 'adelahh...hehehe...'
well, mlm tadi, i was in love with this guy...
he's Nick Lachey from the 98 degrees..(band yg lama gila)
smlm line internet sgt laju, so, ema pun start la download lagu...
belambak gila lagu Nick yg ema x tau...
ada yg best gila, so, download la...
siap ada interview dia kt radio. where he said stuff bout his divorce with Jessica Simpson..
but then, this guy is the beautiful Vanessa Minnello...

she said, she said, said she wants to marry me
it's all in my head, that's just how reality is
it's over, it's over
she said, it's all in my head
(beautiful likey likey!!!)

gone nuts...

well, i've gone nuts...
no kidding...seriously...
okay, i was up all night, or should i say morning?'s up to you to decide...
coz i was up until 4 in the morning...
was i studying?? hmm...
was i playing games?? hmmm...
was i downloading movies? hmm...
or was i watching a marathon of movies?? hmm...
something & someone kept me up...
whose the someone? hmm...
what's that SOMETHING??
OMG, please don't go that far...
nothing supernatural was in my room...'s just that i wasn't sleepy...

Wednesday 26 October 2011

tribute to abah...


Mungkin ibu lbh kerap menelefon utk
 menanyakan keadaan kita setiap hari..Tp tahukah kita, sebenar nya ayah lah yg mengingatkan ibu utk menelefon kita?

Semasa kecil, ibu lah yg lebih sering mendukung kita..Tp tahukah kita bhw sebaik saja ayah pulang bekerja dgn wajah yg letih ayahlah slalu menanyakan apa yg kita lakukan seharian ?

Saat kita sakit@demam, ayah sering membentak "sudah diberitahu! jgn minum ais!".Tp tahukah kamu bahwa ayah sangat risau.??

Ketika kita remaja, kita meminta izin untk keluar malam. Ayah dgn tegas berkata "tidak boleh!"..Sedarkah kita bhw ayah hanya ingin menjaga kita? Krn bagi ayah, kita adlh sesuatu yg sangat berharga.

Saat kita sudah d percayai, ayah pun melonggarkan peraturannya. Maka kita telah melangar kpercayaan nya...Maka ayah lah yg setia menunggu kita di ruang tamu dgn rasa sangat risau..

Setelah kita dewasa,ayah telah mghantar kita ke sekolah@kolej untuk belajar..

Di saat kita memerlukan ini-itu, utk keperluan kuliah kita, ayah hanya mengerutkan dahi.tanpa menolak, beliau memenuhinya..Saat kamu berjaya..Ayah adlh org pertama yg berdiri dan bertepuk tangan untukmu..Ayah akan tersenyum dngan bangga..

Sampai ketika jodoh kita telah datang dan meminta izin untuk mengambil kita dari ayah..Ayah sangat berhati-hati mengizinkan nya..Dan akhirnya..Saat ayah melihat kita duduk di atas plamin bersama pasangan nya..ayahpun tersenyum bahagia..

Apa kita tahu,bhw ayah sempat pergi ke belakang dan menangis?

Ayah menangis krn ayah sangat bahagia..Dan diapun berdoa "Ya Tuhan, tugasku telah selesai dgn baik..Bahagiakan lah putra putri kecilku yg manis bersama pasangannya"..
Setelah itu ayah hanya akan menunggu kedatangan kita brsma cucu-cucunya yg sesekali dtg utk menjenguk..Dengan rambut yg memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat untuk menjaga kita..

(sebarkan jika kita sayang kepada ayah kita)

Ɩ♥ѵӗ U ayah ({})♥

* mungkin ramai yang tidak kisah akan kasih sayang seorang ayah ataupun redhanya... saat kita exam, adakah kita akan meminta ayah mendoakan kita. kebanyakannya akan meminta doa seorang ibu.

* sedalam dalam hati ayah, ada perasaan mahu melakukan yang terbaik untuk ahli keluarganya.

* answer me, siapa lelaki terbaik yang pernah hidup dalam hidup kalian? yang sanggup berkorban duit, sanggup melukakan dirinya untuk kalian...♥


 "Sesungguhnya Allah itu cantik dan Allah sukakan kecantikan." 
(Hadis riwayat Muslim dan At-Tirmidzi)

kalau ada yg tahu hadis di atas tu, ema just nk inform yg Allah itu sgt la cantik sebenarnya...
sbb tue Allah boleh ciptakan kecantikan yg sgt hebat ats muka bumi ini...
even kita pun cantik sbnrnya...
kita cantik dari segi luaran & dalaman...
Allah itu hebat kan?
tau x, setiap bnda yg kita kata comel, cantik, extraordinary, wow...
semua tu Allah yg cipta? 
so imagine, kalau Allah mampu buat semua bnda tue, betapa cantiknya Dia?
berkali-kali ganda la cantiknya...

okay, ema bukn nk cerita pasal bnda ni sbnrnya...
point ema hari ini is that, why not kita 'cantik' kan diri kita bila kita jumpa ngan Allah?
well, nk jumpa ngan Allah nie ada 2 mksud ya...
1- cantikkan akidah, iman kita sebelum kita mati
2- cantikkan diri kita setiap kali jumpa ngan Allah

hmm, setiap kali jumpa ngan Allah?? mcm mana tu??
kita kn jumpa ngan Allah 5 kali sehari?
so, kita cantikkan @ molekkan diri kita la stp kali kita jumpa ngan Dia.

~amik wudu' seperfect yg boleh, buat mcm kita bersihkan diri kita yg 'kotor' sblm jumpa Dia yg bersih...
~pakai wangi-wangian. or at least, make sure kita wangi masa smbhyg...
~kemaskan telekung, make sure x nmpk rmbut, bagi x kusut telekung masa sembahyang...
~paling x pun, pakai deo sblm solat...
ikut kemampuan diri sndiri la...mcm mana pun, asalkan kita 'cantik' sblm jumpa ngan dia...

Monday 24 October 2011

normal kah aku?

adakah ia sesuatu yg normal, utk kita mencari Allah bila kita susah je??
ema x nk mcm tue...
ema nk cari Allah all the time...
bila susah & senang...
sbb that's what Allah is for right??
tapi ema selalu sgt cari Allah, complain kt Allah bila ada mslh ja...
bila happy times, jarang2 sgt nk cari Allah...

Sunday 23 October 2011

susahnya menahan geram

susah kan menahan perasaan amarah yang mmbuak-buak?
rasa mcm nk tendang la, baling la...
sgt susah menahan geram....
ema ckp kt org supaya bersabar, tapi ema sendiri lose patience ngan diorang...
apa nk jadi??
tapi pahala yg kita dpt sbb kita bersabar dan menahan amarah sgt besar kan??
rasanya, ema perlu sentiasa mengingatkan diri ema sendiri supaya terus bersabar...
untuk terus-menerus meng'ignore'kan diri org yg x disukai...
i think that's the best way kot...

Saturday 22 October 2011

jualan WUS

hohhooho...penat yg teramat-amat...
penat memujuk org mmbeli produk ema...
penat menahan geram terhadap sesetengah hamba Allah...
penat mengangkat brg..
penat menjerit2 meminta org beli brg...
penat penat penat...
sgt2 penat...

Wednesday 19 October 2011


i sat very close to him in the cafe just now.. i have to go through this everyday?
like...i know you, and you know me...
but you & i wanna leave 'US' behind...
cause, we're both afraid of what's gonna happen...
if people know we were friends back then...
people will start talking...
maybe that's the one thing you wanna change...
the one thing you don't wish you'd ever do again...
well, just so you know, 
i don't want this neither...
well, the only thing i can do is to face you everyday...
pretending i dont know you...
whether it's karma or fate,
i don't know...
whatever it is,
i wish you the best...

Tuesday 18 October 2011

i wonder...

apa akan jadi kat aku kalau aku bukan Islam?
apakah aku akn berubah?
apakah aku akn mencari kebenaran?
apakah aku akn menyoal itu dan ini dalam agama aku??
ema bersyukur sgt2 ema dilahirkan dlm Islam.
tapi ema kadang2 fikir bila ema tgok muallaf lain...
kalau ema kt tmpt dia, apakah ema akn mncari kebenaran?
apakah ema akn mampu menahan segala dugaan?
apakah ema kuat?

hmm...this is what i do...
thinking out of the box la kononnya...
hihhi...tapi ema suka sgt nk tau kenapa org tu peluk Islam...
dan kenapa seseorg tu meninggalkan Islam??
ema x fhm dua perkara ni ja...
walaupun some of you may think that, 'cukuplah dia dah Islam, buat apa nk tau kenapa dia masuk Islam?'
tapi ema nk tau gak...
ema mungkin x nmpk the special part of Islam yg dia nmpk..
sometimes, bnda2 kecik yg kita anggap remeh adlh bnda2 yg buatkn diorang peluk Islam.
so, ema nk tau...just curious...

Saturday 15 October 2011

menemui Pencipta

semalam, ema mendapat berita dari kakak ema, mengatakan nenek saudara ema masuk ICU kt Adventist Hospital. nenek saudara ema tu mmg dah lama sakit, kena buat operation tulang belakang, but then operation kena postpone sbb she wasn't in a good shape. so, dia berehat 3 bulan kat rumah. tetiba dia sesak nafas kt rumah. bila hntar pegi hospital, doctor ckp liver failure. so, she was in the ICU for almost 36 hours, and yesterday midnight, the doctor kindda gave up hope. her family members brought her back to her house. x brapa lama lps dia smpai rumah, dia pun menemui PenciptaNya.

ema agak terkejut, sbb it happened too fast. she just got back & she passed away. bt then bila pikir balik, it's a good thing. she had been suffering for quite a long time. it's been months now. mungkin Alah nk mudahkan urusan dia. harap2, dia tergolong dalam golongan yang beriman, yang disayangi Allah...she was a good person, warm and easy to talk to. i just hope people can accept her loss in a good way...insya-Allah...

Friday 14 October 2011


what am i feeling right now? me have no clue...on one side, i'm feeling a bit sad coz my nenek saudara is kindda ill in the ICU...she was doing fine all along, and now they are saying that her liver kindda broke down. i received a call & text from my sister claiming that thh doctors already gave up their hopes on her...she is 100% breathing on a ventilator. oh god!! i can't imagine how much pain is she going through and how are the family holding on...

on the other hand, i'm stressed with myself, always feeling like running away from the lecture notes that are stacked evenly on my rack...oh, man!!! i made a time-table last night & i thought i might be able to ORGANIZE myself in such way that i will not fall apart. but, wallah...i'm falling apart now...

apart from that, i have a roomate, who also sits right next to my desk who is a K-Pop freak. she downloads stuff from the net almost every day...then, she plays them over & over again...oh, man!!! i always hope she'll wake up really late or sleep really early, coz with that, her comp would be switched off & she would be quiet...i know i sound like a mean girl, but that's how i feel honestly...

i love you

terkejut baca tajuk post k?? i'm not saying out my love to anybody...hahaha...i'm just very much confused with my own feelings now, so just ignore me k? hahaha....does that mean i THINK i love someone?? hehehe...let's just not go there k?? we'll see what happens at then end of these 5 years...

it's hard when people around you are talking about love & marriage almost every day. susah tau x?? and you will start to think of a few faces...hehehe...and you wonder if you will even find the ONE & get married & have kids...then, you'll think, will i be working then? then you'll think again, will i ever graduate? hmm, then you'll think again, will i ever get through the first year without failing & repeating?? huhuhuh....scary huh??

so, then, i'll push aside all of these crap aside...and ignore them who are talking bout marriage...i continue thinking about now...the present time...let the future be in His hands. He knows who will i marry, or will i ever marry someone...insya-Allah, ema terima keputusanNya...

by the way, i really love this part of the song, 'Goodbye' by Avril Lavigne.

Goodbye, brown eyes
Goodbye for now

Goodbye, sunshine
Take care of yourself

ok ok...ema x mau elaborate panjang, karang korang pikir lain2...dah dah...ema nk baca nota...hehehe....bye...

Saturday 8 October 2011

is this my song?

i heard Taylor Swift's 'The Story Of Us' last night and as i listened properly, it seems to relate to me.

now i'm standing here in a crowded room & we're not speaking
& i'm dying to know if it's killing you like it's killing me and,
I don't know what to say it's just a twist of fate 
& we're going down.
and the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now,

funny isn't it? 


semalam ema ikuti program yg menyerupai usrah di masjid. sgt best sbb kakak2 & abang2 kt situ semua best2. kak2 situ x control walaupun pakai tudung labuh. diorang main game ngan kita gak...tu yg, ema dah bond ngan kak mira. slama ni, x rapat sgt, tapi skrg ktaorg mcm dah kawan bertahun2. haha...ema tau byk psl dia & she does the same about me...hehe...
she accompanied me back to my room in  the middle of the night...really felt the connection between us. earlier that night, kitaorg kena kenal antara one another better as a group. nmpknya, kami nie sgt rapat smpai we know most of the stff bout ourselves. even kak2 usrah pun agree. i'm thinking of joining usrah, insya-Allah...not sure when, but i'll try my best. kak miera setuju nk ajk i skali if she wanna attend any of the very happy...

Tuesday 4 October 2011


hari nie, ema feel much better but feel a bit sad as well. ema happy sbb blh practice choir ngan semua org & ema nyanyi notes tinggi yg x sgka ema blh nyanyi. hahaha...but then, part ema paling sakit hati hari nie is i tried playing nice with Mr Sarcasm. but he ended up speaking harshly to me. x payah la nk ckp kalau x suka. baik diam je terus. i spoke so gently, mcm ckp dlm tone yg normal. tapi dia x appreciate. malas nk layan...

Monday 3 October 2011

tonight i wanna cry

i have no idea what to do or feel right now...i thought my darkest moment in life was over as i didn't receive the call for a whole week, but then i received the message just now & rushed off. it's all a big puzzle...i don't know how should i react, as i was very calm in the room...i am definitely stressed and shocked about this, but what more can i do? breakdown and cry? that wouldn't change anything...
tadi masa solat, ema sujud lama sangat, dlam sujud yg lama tu, hati ema merintih sayu, nk menangis, tapi roomates semua dlm bilik. kalau diorang x dak, mmg dh teresak2 nangis...Allah je yg dengar rintihan sayu ema, Dia yg paham situasi ema, mslh ema...all i can do is pray...pray harder than ever...