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Tuesday 25 February 2014

do you believe in ghosts?

Assalamualaikum, readers.
this entry is rather controversial., but i just have got to write it down...for no reason.
i've watched a lot of horror/thriller movies, be it Hollywood, Bollywood and even local movies and they all come down to one same in God. 
i bet you guys have watched The Conjuring before. i simply choose this movie, coz it's easier to discuss here.
basically, there was a witch who died in the house the family just moved in. the family does not believe in God, their kids have never been baptised before. i bet they don;t go to church either.
in Islam, the first thing a person does once they move into a new house, it is recommended to perform a ceremony where everyone recites the Holy Quran and read some prayers to 'clean' the house from evil spirits. we believe that these creatures exists, but we can't see them. and they live with us in our everyday life, they won't bother us if we leave them alone.  
same goes to other culture, you can read more here. 
So, in the movie, they have not much faith in God, and therefore, they are more prone to being bothered by these spirits. 
are they friendly like Casper?
Let's see how 'bothered' were the ghostbusters, the husband and wife. They chase away unwanted spirits from others, but how come the ghosts don't disturb them?
please don;t tell me the ghosts are afraid of the couple. that's not true.
the trick is, the couple are very faithful to God. the evidence is shown when the husband explained that they'd perform some ritual ceremony in the room where he keeps all the dolls. plus, he's always holding a Bible.
so, my theory is, ghosts, demons and evil-spirits love people who are not faithful to God. when you are close to God, your faith is strong. people who have no faith are weak, and it becomes easier for them to take charge of your life.
in the case of Malay movies, the people who are 'disturbed' are those who doesn't pray and recites the Quran. and the house are full of funny furnitures that the creatures love. at least, that's what we believe in.
i need to also tell you something. this may sound superstitious, but it's what the old people used to say. don't go out at night, especially after sundown. it's the time where the creatures love to roam around...their time to wake up. also, if you see or smell something funny, don;t mention it...don;t say it out loud, because they believe that the creatures would hear you and they'd know you're afraid...and weak.

i don;t remember all of them, but i usually don;t question much and just follow what's been told to me.
conclusion is, you need to have strong faith in God...and believe that these creatures exists. because it also happens that if you challenge them, they'd appear more powerful, because they'd like to give you a piece if them. so, please don;t do anything stupid by playing an Ouija board, calling some spirits to talk to you.  

Monday 24 February 2014

giving up...

Assalamualaikum and good day people..
i'm supposed to finish covering my lecture notes but i just got a new idea to write...i'll keep this short.

Just give up.

wait, isn't giving up a negative thing?
giving up here only applies after you tried your very hardest and things still don;t turn up great, then please give up already.

before i share things that happened to me, let me share a few stories about a celebrity i love and adore.
Nick Lachey Camden John
meet the Lachey's  =)

Nick Lachey (the guy from 98 degrees) dated Vanessa Minnillo (a model) for more than 5 years and finally got married in 2011. After they got married, the very thing on their wishlist is to become parents. They have been trying really hard to get pregnant, but still there were no good news. She finally gave up trying after almost one year and thought to herself, "Okay, i'm gonna relax and have fun. The baby can come when the time comes" 
Guess what? 
Two weeks later, she got pregnant. Nine months later, came baby Camden Lachey with dark hair and blue eyes. he's an angel. 

Now, i would like to share some of my personal experiences about giving up.

1- tried to join a group where people talk about religion and stuff for a year, and nothing happened. I told a friend to help out and somehow my heart gave up that night. i thought to myself that night, "God, this is my last resort. if i still don't get any god news about this, i believe it's a sign from you. maybe this is what's best for me"
I woke up the next day, totally forgotten about what happened the night before. Two days later, i got a text from a classmate, an invite to join her religious group. What?

2- when i first entered the university, i was so afraid on how to make new friends. and it got harder when i realized every other girls actually made friends with all the boys in the batch. somewhere along the line, i guess i pretty much gave up on having a guy friend. 
what happened a few weeks later surprised me. I was in the cafe, lining up for food and one of the guys in my batch came up to me and literally introduced himself to me.
now, i have lots of guy friends. just friends.

3- had a class where i'm gonna have to remove calculus from teeth. it was hard and my hands become numb from all the manual scaling. we have two hours to do this every week. usually, by 45 minutes, my back aches and i sigh a lot. I'll start calculating the time left for the class to end. That's when things start to change. The Dr would come around and pass my work. I got to move on to a different teeth. I advanced. 

moral of the story, things would only work out when you really give up and leave everything to God...but with one exception, you've gave it your all.
Thinking about something over and over again in your head may stress out your system and nothing would work, chill...
when you're stressed, relax. take a moment to breathe and try again. if you fail, relax. have faith that things would work out the next time. don;t give up TOO easily, it won;t work either. ^_~

Sunday 23 February 2014

tundukkan pandangan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua... *entry kali nie ber-Bahasa Melayu eh..*

ema rasa, semua perempuan pernah dengar ayat nie... 
"Tundukkan pandangan bila berjalan depan lelaki, rendahkan suara..."

apa maksud ayat tu sebenarnya?
dia nak kita tunduk pandang lantai ja ka bila berjalan? habis tu kalau tak nampak jalan, accident, mati macam mana?
sebenarnya, ema pernah pikir macam tu jugak sebelum ni. tapi, selepas beberapa tahun, baru ema rasa ema paham maksud ayat tu.

ema rasa, ayat "Tundukkan pandangan bila jalan depan lelaki" bermaskud...
1- kalau nak pandang muka lelaki tu boleh. Tapi jangan pandang mata dia. pandang benda-benda lain, macam hidung, telinga atau dagu dia.

2- bila bercakap, jaga suara. tapi jangan lunakkan. itu salah, sebab kita sengaja ja nak nampak ayu. dia ada kaitan dengan lelaki la. takut nanti dia pulak berdosa sebab puji atau cakap "sedapnya suara minah nie...aduhhh!"
3- kekalkan rasa malu dengan lelaki tu. tapi jangan la masa cakap tu, dok tersipu-sipu, tutup muka dengan tudung...itu bukan malu namanya. 

harapnya tak de la lagi orang yang jalan pandang lantai setiap kali jalan depan lelaki, sampai tak nampak orang kat depan. kalau terlanggar lelaki tu, lagi teruk akibat dia... ^_~

Thursday 20 February 2014

parenting skills

Assalamualaikum and good day readers.
It's been a while since i blogged. This time, i'm not kidding. it's been a while.

parenting skills. 
why parenting skills? am i a parent? nope. for the past few weeks, i've been learning about learning theories. and i realized only my mum used the grounded rule. my friends simply said their parents never ground them before. what??? seriously???
truthfully, i've been grounded since i was 7 up until i was 16, perhaps? yeap. it was that long...and torturing. 
since primary school, my mum would cut my pocket money if i scored low in my exams. 
if i misbehave, she'd take the things i love. growing up, TVB drama and wrestling were my favourite. we didn't have handphones or MP3 back then, so TV is my life! 
if i come home late after hanging out with friends (this only happened after 16), then, it means more time spent studying. she'd watch me gather books from the room into the kitchen and she'd keep up with how many times i get up from the chair. yeah, she's really strict. 
we faught a lot. i slammed hundreds of doors, cried thousands of times...but, i'm glad that's how my mum brought me up. 

a few weeks ago, i had the chance to live with my uncle and aunt in Perlis. My uncle is a senior lecturer in a local university. he's very laid back but firm. i watched how he tried to convince his youngest to go to school when she was feeling a little lazy.
"Papa, malas la nak pi sekolah" She climbed on the sofa and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Mana boleh malas...tak boleh macam tu, Asma" He spoke softly, eyes on the Quran.
"Hari ni hari Isnin, ada Ko-K, kelas tambahan...malas la Papa"
"Oh, hari nie ada Ko-K? Hmm...tak pa la...sat ja. jangan malas, dah-dah pi sekolah"
"Okay, Papa. Salam" 

Trust me, if it was my Abah, he'd say a different thing. or not. i mean, he wakes up really early to go to work, so we don't talk much in the morning. nanti mood kacau la, i dunno. businessman have their own ways in the morning.
watching my Uncle, i thought maybe a little listening and assurance might help a kid not whine in the morning. 

i don't have a conclusion. but from what i know, being a nice, loving parent only works until the kid is 5-6 years old. once they're 7, you've got to start implementing some rules in the house. teenage years are the worst, so, you've gotta play the game smart. some parents made it through being loving and supportive. in my case, being strict all the way is the key. once the kids are between the age 18-25, just support and be loving again. 
will this work? no one knows. just pray it will.