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Thursday 20 February 2014

parenting skills

Assalamualaikum and good day readers.
It's been a while since i blogged. This time, i'm not kidding. it's been a while.

parenting skills. 
why parenting skills? am i a parent? nope. for the past few weeks, i've been learning about learning theories. and i realized only my mum used the grounded rule. my friends simply said their parents never ground them before. what??? seriously???
truthfully, i've been grounded since i was 7 up until i was 16, perhaps? yeap. it was that long...and torturing. 
since primary school, my mum would cut my pocket money if i scored low in my exams. 
if i misbehave, she'd take the things i love. growing up, TVB drama and wrestling were my favourite. we didn't have handphones or MP3 back then, so TV is my life! 
if i come home late after hanging out with friends (this only happened after 16), then, it means more time spent studying. she'd watch me gather books from the room into the kitchen and she'd keep up with how many times i get up from the chair. yeah, she's really strict. 
we faught a lot. i slammed hundreds of doors, cried thousands of times...but, i'm glad that's how my mum brought me up. 

a few weeks ago, i had the chance to live with my uncle and aunt in Perlis. My uncle is a senior lecturer in a local university. he's very laid back but firm. i watched how he tried to convince his youngest to go to school when she was feeling a little lazy.
"Papa, malas la nak pi sekolah" She climbed on the sofa and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Mana boleh malas...tak boleh macam tu, Asma" He spoke softly, eyes on the Quran.
"Hari ni hari Isnin, ada Ko-K, kelas tambahan...malas la Papa"
"Oh, hari nie ada Ko-K? Hmm...tak pa la...sat ja. jangan malas, dah-dah pi sekolah"
"Okay, Papa. Salam" 

Trust me, if it was my Abah, he'd say a different thing. or not. i mean, he wakes up really early to go to work, so we don't talk much in the morning. nanti mood kacau la, i dunno. businessman have their own ways in the morning.
watching my Uncle, i thought maybe a little listening and assurance might help a kid not whine in the morning. 

i don't have a conclusion. but from what i know, being a nice, loving parent only works until the kid is 5-6 years old. once they're 7, you've got to start implementing some rules in the house. teenage years are the worst, so, you've gotta play the game smart. some parents made it through being loving and supportive. in my case, being strict all the way is the key. once the kids are between the age 18-25, just support and be loving again. 
will this work? no one knows. just pray it will.

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