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Thursday 31 May 2012

surah al-kahfi

seperti yang dijanjikan, inilah post untuk kita buat post motem surah al-Kahfi. actually, tgh tunggu azan Isya', smbil2 tu, boleh la ema menyampaikan apa yang ema tahu pasal surah nie.

first of all, surah al-Kahfi ini adalah surah yang ke 18 dalam al-Quran, merupakan ayat Makiyyah, maksudnya surah ini diturunkan di Mekah.

1- Allah jelaskan dalam surah ini yang Allah x mempunyai anak, dan sesungguhnya orang yg memulakan dusta ini juga x tahu mengenai hal nie. (ayat 4 & 5)
2- Allah menegur perbuatan Nabi Muhammad yang x sebut kalimah InsyaAllah. Ada seorang Quraisy yang ingin mengetahui kisah roh, kisah Zulkarnanin dan kisah Ashabul Kahfi. Nabi mengatakan kepadanya supaya datang pada pagi besoknya, dan Baginda pasti akan menceritakan kisah2 tersebut kepadanya. Sepatutnya, kita ucapkan InsyaAllah, mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan urusan kita. sebabnya, x ada apa pun yang pasti. semuanya Allah lebih Mengetahui. (ayat 23 & 24)
3- Allah mengancam orang yang tidak beriman dengan situasi yang bakal terjadi di neraka kelak. minuman mereka adalah air yang seperti besi yang mendidih yang menghanguskan wajah, dan minuman mereka ini adalah yang paling buruk dan tempat yang mereka duduki ini (neraka) adalah tempat paling jelek. (ayat 29)
4- sedikit bayangan yang Allah beri tentang keadaan di syurga untuk golongan yang beriman. syurga yang dibawahnya mengalir sungai2. sebenarnya, kalau kita tengok banyak ayat yang membicarakan tentang syurga mesti ada sebut sungai2. sebabnya, al-Quran diturunkan di Mekah, pada zaman dahulu di mana masyarakat Arab tinggal di padang pasir yang panas terik. so, bila diorang dengar pasal2 sungai2, diorang dapat rasakan betapa nyamannya keadaan dalam syurga. (ayat 31)
5- Allah jelaskan di dalam surah ini yang tiada satupun yang kekal di dunia. (ayat 45)
6- Allah jelaskan juga yang syaitan tidak sama sekali akan membantu golongan yang tidak beriman. x faham? macam ni. tugas syaitan kan untuk menyesatkan manusia, menghasut manusia buat benda2 x patut. and then manusai tu pun sesat la. in some cases, syaitan akan pujuk manusia, saying that dia akan protect kita bila tibanya hari kiamat. tapi, Allah dah cakap dalam Quran, bila Allah bagi peluang untuk golongan sesat & x beriman untuk menyeru kepada syaitan, seruan mereka x dibalas. maksudnya, syaitan memang xkan tolong kita. yang boleh tolong kita hanyalah Allah.
7- kisah Nabi Musa dan Nabi Khidir (ayat 60-82)
8- kisah Zulkarnain (ayat 83-101)
9- Allah nyatakan bahawa ilmu Allah sangat luas. kalau jadikan lautan sebagai dakwat untuk tulis kalimat Allah, mesti x cukup, meskipun Allah tambahkan air laut untuk kita (ayat 109)

itulah sedikit sebanyak yang ema boleh kongsikan kepada pembaca2 di luar sana. insyaAllah, lepas nie kita kaji surah Maryam pula. alright, nak pi sembahyang jap. selamat beramal. 

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Quran itu indah

instead of babbling on stuff which are full of crap, i decided to share with you thoughts of mine plus the Holy Quran. yep, you heard me right. ema dah sampai bahagian surah2 yg agak pendek yang mana terdapat kisah2 ringkas yg menarik. actually, Quran itu menarik. semua yang ada di dalamnya menarik. ema x dak ayat favourite or surah favourite. ema percaya semua dalam al-Quran itu adalah indah. tiada yang lebih indah antara mereka, biar yang panjang mahupun pendek. semua sama indahnya. 
insyaAllah, ema akan start dengan surah al-Kahfi. sebabnya, bila ema baca terjemahannya, banyak kisah2 menarik yang terkumpul dalam satu surah yang bermaksud Gua. hebat kan Allah? 

Tuesday 29 May 2012


sorry is a 5-letter word. S-O-R-R-Y. as simple as that. do  expect my apology be accepted by you? honestly, i don't think so. after what i said to you, i am pretty sure you won't. i know i crossed the line this time around. i was never a teacher's pet. i always make teachers angry. that's just what i always end up with. no matter how i try, that's practically how my teacher-student relationship always ended. 
but after meeting you, known as one of the strictest Chemistry lecturer in matriculation, 
i was pretty sure i will never have a good bond with you. caught sleeping in class, poor understanding of a particular topic in lecture halls, barely completing the work you gave just adds to the HATE EMA list. but towards the end of the sem, after we faced our exams, and i turned to you. i talked to you, as if you were a sister. how i complained the questions were hard and tough, how i couldn't answer them. and you were just there, sitting and smiling. you sacrificed your work at that time, listening to me, a foolish girl who wants nothing but some support from you, after a i answered terribly. *i'm pretty bad in Chemistry by the way* 
to this day, i could not forget how you went through all of the questions with me. you didn't scream or shout or showed how disappointed you were in me, unable to answer the questions. you kept on saying, "insyaAllah, boleh la tu. teruskan berdoa, Amalina. Saya yakin kamu boleh" and it made me feel a whole lot better. thank you, miss.
i know what i said could not be taken back. time can never be reversed. and how i regret what i said, and how i said it to you. how bad i feel right now, only He knows. sorry is the only thing i can say now. and again, i'm sorry. i won't stop saying sorry. because i know i was wrong. i should've said it in such way you won't get hurt. but what am i to do now, things happened, and i will try to change myself, especially when it comes to communication with people. 
things happen for a reason. mungkin Allah jadikan miss sebagai pengantara untuk menegur ema, dan mungkin ini adalah salah satu ujian yang Dia turunkan buat ema. Wallahua'lam. ema amat berharap miss dapat maafkan saya, saya mintak maaf sekali lagi. dengan setulus hati, ema mintak maaf. i don't know how many apologies will it take to even make me feel a little bit better. i will never feel better, until you accept my apology. even after that, i don't think i'll be able to face you anymore...i'm sorry.

Friday 18 May 2012

peringatan buat diri tercinta

because now too many people are getting married and people change so much on their wedding day, i just have to write on this. first of all, i apologize if anything written here bugs you. i just want to tell the truth and express my frustrations in how brides do so many things they shouldn't be doing. *i'm not sure they knew about this or not* 
if you don't, then please, after reading this post, change. maybe you can't undo your yesterday. at least, let other people know and maybe not do it in the future. 

the very first thing i realized which is wrong is the fake eyelashes. lots of brides today-Muslim brides especially, put on fake eyelashes on their wedding day. in Islam, wearing fake eyelashes is HARAM. it's forbidden. *WHY?* well, in Islam, we are taught to respect who we are for what we are. it's just like the 'Nose' episode on Glee. everybody is told not to change anything about themselves. same here. if our eyelashes are short and not thick, then, that's the way it should be. not applying fake eyelashes just to feel beautiful. just like Rachel, she decided to cancel the nose job surgery. if they can do it, why can't we?
same here with the coloured contact lense. if you can see in the picture on the right, the girl's eyes seem bigger than it should be. right? did you notice? 
first of all, wearing contact lense is forbidden in Islam, it's HARAM as well. why? for all the same reasons stated above. it's just the same. if you can respect what Allah has given to you, then you wouldn't wear coloured contact lenses. Allah has made all of us beautiful, just the way we should. we are the ones who should accept our beauty and preserve it. not change it in any ways so that we look MORE beautiful. that's not the reason Allah made us. in that case, He would've made us all ugly, so that all of us could undergo plastic surgeries and put our lives at stake. He loves us, that's why he made us all special & beautiful at the same time. 
Now, we enter the hardest resistable phase ever-the makeup. obviously, you would want to look pretty on your wedding day. trust me, even the most beautiful Hollywood celebrities want to look pretty on their wedding day. i watched this one show called 'Dos and Don'ts in a wedding'. it's a show for brides and groom. and there are a few panels, talking about their experiences attending weddings. when it came to makeup, the panels told the viewers to apply the makeup with the wedding dress on a few days before the wedding. they even told the brides to set up their hair and makeup and the dress. the, the bride must look at herself in the mirror, she must look at herself as a whole, not just the hair and the makeup. and when you look at yourself from top to bottom, you'd realized that you've had too much makeup on. the picture here resembles heavy makeup-even if you think she looks pretty. and weddings are nothing about heavy makeup. they want to see the bride looking pretty, like she is. because she is. they wouldn't want her to look different on her wedding day. hmm...
so, after looking at pictures of brides on their wedding day, i've made a decision. maybe when i get married, i'd make a few changes. i would request all of the things Islam wants and try my very hardest to resist the rest. insya-Allah...

Friday 11 May 2012

boys will always be boys

i went to a campsite here in Jerteh, Terengganu today-this morning actually. and we hiked all the way up the not-so-high hill and we finally reached the waterfall area, one of the highest area in the campsite. we went all the way up because some f our friends would like to get themselves wet, and because we're all girls, we wouldn't want anybody to watch us swimming. hehe...
somewhere around 12, my friend wanted to go to the toilet and i accompanied her there. on the way down, we met with a lot of boys, guys, men. by right, they would let us pass and just make way, but the opposite thing happened. they were making it hard for the two of us. they kept smiling & grinning at us, and when we decided to walk on the solid ground instead of the track, the boys would lean close to us and ask us, 'heading home?', 'ah, so cute' and stuff like that. crazy, but i'm kindda used to it. boys. 
so, all i did was kept my head down and walked faster. for i wouldn't want more of them to disturb us.

so, the thing i would like to emphasize here is that stuff like this will always happen. the only thing we can do as girls is just ignore to smile it away. there were a couple of boys who said goodbye to us all, but instead of saying goodbye back, i smiled it away. at least x delah nampak sombong sgt, sedangkan dia dah cakap goodbye. lagi satu, kalau laki bagi salam, ignore je. tadi ada sorang laki tu bagi salam, bila ema teruskan berjalan, that guy said, 'aku dah agak dia xkn jawab' instead, one of his friends answered the salam. hehe...
nampak sangat intentions these boys bukan jahat pun, saja ja nk kacau. nak isi masa lapang. nak uji kita mungkin? boleh jadi jugak. so, take care of yourselves, jangan sampai org anggap kita sombong, play nice but be safe. 

arranged marriage

i've been getting funny visions of me and a husband. *FYI, the husband is an unknown guy* sometimes, all i see if the back of him and sometimes he's just there, talking to me, but i just can't seem to look at his face. let it be a secret. hehe...
as much as i used to hate the fact that i would not wanna marry a stranger, i believe that's exactly what i want now. i don't want the husband to be a friend, or a classmate, or a workmate. i just want him to be a stranger-to me. well, he can be known to the world, but i want him to be a stranger to me. well, maybe we have exchanged glances before, and maybe smiled at one another. but not more than that. 
why suddenly am i talking about marriage? *arranged marriage pulak tu* to be frank, too many people got married these past few weeks. Fasha & Jejai, Awal & Scha and even my Chemistry tutor when i was in matriks. i am very happy for these couples, and that might be the reason why i'm seeing all these crazy visions. Wallahua'alam...
my mum and dad had an arranged marriage about 26 years back. and yes, they fight until now, but i call them 'Ribena Twist-perfect for each other' *you remember the Ribena ad, the lemon & blackcurrant?* two different backgrounds, two different personalities, two different work fields, two different minds, and yet they ended up with the three of us-April angels. *wuekk! angels ke??* 
somehow, i want my life to be an adventurous life. i want to get to know my husband during the engagement period, limit my time going out with him. dating doesn't help in getting to know each other, does it? i somehow think the time in the mosque would be the time where he would tease me because my hands are ice cold. and the time on the 'pelamin' would be the time where all of our friends and relatives to tease us around, throughout the day. *just like my momma & papa* i watched their wedding video and i was laughing so hard. my dad's friends were all teasing him, making jokes about him and my dad, in his maroon baju Melayu and songkok couldn't help but laugh away. tapi still nak control macho in front of my mum. haha...cute! *i also want!*  

however, these are just my visions and my dreams. jadi kenyataan atau x bergantung pada suratanNya untuk ema. kalau dah tertulis ema kawen ngan stranger, maka stranger lah husband ema. kalau tertulis best friend ema ialah husband ema, maka ema akan jadi isteri dia jugak. 
apa-apa pun, i can assure you that i am NOT in love with anybody, NOT in a relationship and NOT gonna get married in the next three years. so relax. i will not get married when i am still a STUDENT. insyaAllah, lepas bergelar Dr Amalina Zakaria *aminn* nanti, mungkin akan bergelar Puan kot. hehehe... 

love this cake! VOGUE!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Ian picture Ian posted on Twitter. he said, 
'Finally a guitar that doesn't look too huge on me' 

and he replied to my tweet!

Ian Crawford @TheIanCrawford mentioned you:

@bubblyema @TheIanCrawford Oolalaa...i'm lovin it! not just the guitar, but ur look too! whats that look? EXCITED?” It's called, "The Look"

Monday 7 May 2012

K-Pop crazy? nah!

Is there anybody out there like me? Seriously, please raise your hands up. It’s been a battlefield everytime I open my mouth talking about Korea and everything related to it. My blog becomes a battle ring where people punch into one another’s faces with their arguments. Well, virtual punches of course. There’s always two sides of a story, in this case, K-Pop lovers and K-Pop haters.
I don’t deny that K-Pop sensation has been the ‘thing’ since I don’t know when. But do you realize that the K-Pop sensation thingy has become a disease? It’s spreading like nuts. I used to have friends who once never knew bout K-Pop singers, dramas and stuff and out of nowhere, they become the ones knowing these people, following them on their twitter accounts, blogs and news. Hell, they’re much worse than me. I only check out on Hollywood artists when there’s something to be looked up for.

Call me crazy, but things have heated up. Now, I would like to list some of the reasons why I think I was never one of THEM.
1- K-Pop music makes no sense to me. They sing a song about Taxi cab and who-knows-what. There’s not much of a meaning in their songs. Oh, wait! It’s in Korean. How the hell would you know what are they even saying?
gay-ish look?
2- You say Lady Gaga is spreading mixed messages, PCD sings in their lingerie and Adam Lambert is a gay. Let’s take a look at what K-Pop has to offer. Well, obviously, I don’t know much about their names and how these groups came around, but I know one thing. They’re not much different than the Hollywood celebs you hate. Let’s see, most of K-Pop guys are gays. At least Adam Lambert has a manly face, except the fact that he wears guy liners. Korean gays? They have the gay-ish look from all angles. Sorry, ladies, but I’m speaking of the truth. Most of the girls singing in groups are already singing in their lingerie. Well, that depends on whether you can see it CLEARLY or not. They barely wear shorts and knee-length stokings to hide WHATEVER left to be seen. Much difference than PCD? Talking about mixed messages, do you know that most Koreans barely even have faith in God? And if you were even going through most of the music videos made by your Korean peeps, most of them sing and perform with an Anti-Christ accessories, mostly earrings, sing with a black & white background, simply means Satanic, and pyramids, which means Iluminati. Think Lady Gaga is dangerous, think again.
PCD wannabe?
3- Korean people sing in mixed languages. One minute its Korean language, and somewhere in the middle it’s English. Well, at least Pitbull finishes up his Latino sentence before he proceeds with his English lines
4- Oh, by the way, I NEVER ever dreamed of stepping into Korea. That’ll be last in my list. No idea what’s so special about Korea. I would rather spend my holidays discovering every streets of Penang & Malaysia before I ever step my feet in some people’s land.

I think that’s enough from me. I don’t need to know much about Korea or anything related to it to FIT in. I barely watch Korean dramas, although my mum & brother & sister watch them at home. At least, they don’t go screaming or jumping up and down the couch.

With that I rest my case. This is no argument, I’m not starting a fight. I’m just stating what I think is the truth, and I bet most of you will see me eye to eye. But I don’t blame you if you don’t. 

Sunday 6 May 2012

7 Petala Cinta

i just watched the movie, and here's what i think of the movie. i'm speaking very frankly about this movie. i   won't be touching on aspects i'm not good at but i'll be sharing my thoughts based on what i know and how it should be conducted.

first of all, the movie is an Islamic movie. based on this image, you can already say that this is an Islamic movie. however, not much of Islamic stuff went about in this movie. even if some of you would like to argue on my opinion, most of the scenes were carried out not based on Islam. let me unfold these scenes, one by one.

first of all, the location of the movie is nice, a Madrasah. where people who would like to study about Islam is given a place to live in and provided with food and knowledge about Islam. there are more boys than girls in this institution. they recite the Quran, they unfold what the Quran says, zikr is something that happens almost everywhere in the movie. which is good.
the way niqab SHOULD be worn
next, we move on to the main lead of the movie, played by Diana Amir. She's the girl who wears the niqab. for your information, niqab is NEVER a must in Islam. wearing the scarf is a MUST. Islam gives the choice to the lady whether she chooses to wear the niqab. 
however, the way the niqab is worn in this movie is wrong. have you ever seen a person actually wore the niqab? niqab is not a piece of cloth that is attached to the sides of the scarf with some needles. nope! that's not what niqab is. niqab is a long sheeth of cloth, a few layers and it is tied at the back of the head and the rest of the sheets are pulled backwards, so that the only thing that could be seen is the eyes. and even so, the eyes get very little space. that's the whole purpose of women wearing niqabs in the dessert. to prevent sand from entering their eyes. so, my problem here is the way the niqab is worn in the movie. it's not right. 

after that, we'll move on to the gloves. well, the main actress wore gloves in the movie. is that what Islam said? wearing gloves? nope. Islam NEVER said anything about wearing gloves. you need to cover your aurah is what Islam said. and for your info, the palm of the hands is not aurah. nor is the face. wearing gloves does not say you're a very nice person who takes care of your aurah. no. they're just exaggerating on how good and lovely this girl is in taking care of her aurah. okay, i get it! it's a movie! fine! but what about the scene where she was at home, WITHOUT handsocks, when the guy entered the house to send some books to her father? and he was looking at her and she was looking back at him. where's your aurah now? 

the scene by the lake
also, in one of the many scenes in the movie, Hamka (one of the characters) put a long cloth (the serban) on her body. ain't that sinful? not only that, the scene by the lake, where Hamka will be teaching his sister and his fiancee' on Islam, he used his serban to playfully hit her on the body. well, to me it's like a different method of touching. because you can't do it with your bare hands, you used your serban. that's wrong. also, sitting by the lake alone with two girls may lead to 'fitnah'. that's also forbidden in Islam. can't you sit in the masjid instead? i mean, you're teaching right? for people who learn about Islam, they should know that talking to a girl who is not a Mahram is forbidden in Islam, especially when the girl doesn't have anybody to accompany her. by right, her dad should be there as well, in case he wants to talk to her. this could also avoid fitnah.

Attar in the movie
and the scene where Attar (the other guy) was caught with another girl in bed, was also a controversial scene. the imam (who is the main actress's father) shooed him away from the institution without even asking him what was he doing there and why was he there. by right, you should've asked both the guy & the girl before making any decisions. and the worst part was when the main actress said to Attar on how she hurt his feelings after she gave her heart to him. she even said that Attar is a dirty man now and no matter how much perfume he puts on, he'll still be stinky man. well, that's not an appropriate thing to say for someone who is brought up by an imam right? and the imam was right there, not even stopping his own daughter from saying those hurtful words.  

one last thing that i would LOVE to state here is that Islam said make-up is a no-no! except for when you are around your mahram. meaning make-up is a yes-yes only around your family members and your husband. although it is hard to deny that actresses not wearing make-up in a movie is IMPOSSIBLE, i wished they would have not highlighted the EYELINER too thick. eyeliners are only okay for guys, which is seen in Hamka, the lead actor. the other two girls in the movie wearing the eyeliners is wrong. just saying!

if you wanna make a good Islamic movie, make sure every aspect of the movie is Islamic. follow the rules set by Islam. don't overdo it. and yet, don't go against it. you're not showing anything good besides just a love story. i know you're trying to make a difference, but make it a good one. it's not wrong. it's great how this movie have changed some of the casts, Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah. but also try to ensure that all of the scenes in the movie is okay. check it with an ustaz or someone good in these. 
these are however only my thoughts. i hope we can do a better job next time around.

leave her alone

sometimes i don't get these people. i mean, for how long can you hate a person? what did she ever did to you? she's just an actress. that's all. she NEVER said anything bad about you or hot you or harass you, so why should you do all these to her? she's just an ordinary girl living her life-somewhere around the corner she was the head tabloids and then she calmed down and when she made her comeback, still people always finds something to make fun of her or say bad stuff about her. i don't get it. obviously, i'm talking about Fasha Sandha. she's one HOT malaysian actress. well, she's pretty in my eyes. 

recently, she just got married to a guy who is a single father. well, he is NOT an ordinary guy. he once got married to an actress, a sweet one. Nora Danish. EVERYBODY loves her, because she's sweet and all. *honestly, i didn't like her acting that much* and during the process of divorcing, things got heated up like a hot oven, things were just not right. it was supposed to be an actress-actress-getting-divorced-while-pregnant story, but it turned to be Fasha Sandha STOLE the ex-husband from the poor pregnant wife. OMG! can things get any more crazy? 
and instead of blaming the husband, or the ex-wife, for whoever knows what went wrong in their marriage, they just pointed their fingers at Fasha. i mean who wouldn't? she's single, she hot, she acts brilliantly and she's been the front story of all magazines. yes,i agree Fasha got tumbled over here and there, hangs out partying with her friends, wears all these FORBIDDEN clothes, but can you tell me if there's other actresses who NEVER went out partying? who NEVER wore FORBIDDEN clothes in life? no one! everybody did. everybody make the wrong moves somewhere in life. but the funny thing is, Fasha's story was never forgotten by the media. they're always coming back for her. it's like they're watching her every move and shoots right in her face when she turns her head around.
the media used to ambush Fasha by saying it's kindda forbidden also for two people-from the opposite sex to hang out in public when they are not married. and so, that was also making the newspapers and magazines all sold out! well, i kindda agree on that, but what happened when other actresses-who are single, and beautiful went out with other dudes, in the middle of the night, holding hands? nothing! see what i mean?
let's leave that to rest. now, these two people are married. what's so wrong about marriage? now, they get to hold hands, hug or even kiss, and no one can say anything right? you bet you think that's right! guess what?
people are not satisfied with her, even now. they keep calling her gold digger, the one who stole the poor girl's husband. 
i'm sorry, but did you even know what happened in between all of these mess? no! none of us do! only these 3 people knew what REALLY happened. i mean, being a celebrity, you can fake all the facts, twist it around, fake some tears and BOOM! you're the poor child. i'm not pointing fingers to anybody, but celebrities will remain as celebrities. they say their relationship is fine, but in a few weeks, there's a divorce case filed in the court. they say they are not in a relationship with that someone, and within a month, it's they're wedding.
i just want people, everybody if possible to stop hating people for what they DIDN'T do to you. i mean if she really hurt you by saying bad stuff about you, then please HATE her. but until then, stop! we need to support our industry. if she's a good actress, then support her for her acting. if she's a good singer, support her for her singing. if they're bad at what they do, then hate them for WHAT THEY'RE DOING! not hate an actress because she can't dress well or hate a singer because she was involved in a PETA issue. i hope you get what i'm saying. it annoys me when people still say bad stuff about other people when they do no harm to you. that's all.