Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday 8 October 2011


semalam ema ikuti program yg menyerupai usrah di masjid. sgt best sbb kakak2 & abang2 kt situ semua best2. kak2 situ x control walaupun pakai tudung labuh. diorang main game ngan kita gak...tu yg, ema dah bond ngan kak mira. slama ni, x rapat sgt, tapi skrg ktaorg mcm dah kawan bertahun2. haha...ema tau byk psl dia & she does the same about me...hehe...
she accompanied me back to my room in  the middle of the night...really felt the connection between us. earlier that night, kitaorg kena kenal antara one another better as a group. nmpknya, kami nie sgt rapat smpai we know most of the stff bout ourselves. even kak2 usrah pun agree. i'm thinking of joining usrah, insya-Allah...not sure when, but i'll try my best. kak miera setuju nk ajk i skali if she wanna attend any of the very happy...

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