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Saturday 15 October 2011

menemui Pencipta

semalam, ema mendapat berita dari kakak ema, mengatakan nenek saudara ema masuk ICU kt Adventist Hospital. nenek saudara ema tu mmg dah lama sakit, kena buat operation tulang belakang, but then operation kena postpone sbb she wasn't in a good shape. so, dia berehat 3 bulan kat rumah. tetiba dia sesak nafas kt rumah. bila hntar pegi hospital, doctor ckp liver failure. so, she was in the ICU for almost 36 hours, and yesterday midnight, the doctor kindda gave up hope. her family members brought her back to her house. x brapa lama lps dia smpai rumah, dia pun menemui PenciptaNya.

ema agak terkejut, sbb it happened too fast. she just got back & she passed away. bt then bila pikir balik, it's a good thing. she had been suffering for quite a long time. it's been months now. mungkin Alah nk mudahkan urusan dia. harap2, dia tergolong dalam golongan yang beriman, yang disayangi Allah...she was a good person, warm and easy to talk to. i just hope people can accept her loss in a good way...insya-Allah...

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