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Saturday 26 January 2013

the reason

i always wondered why i was here?
put here in this place where i have two roomates who are non-Muslims. 

my friends laughed at me when they found out my roomates were non-Muslims. they were making fun of the Gods these girls pray to and how they pray. honestly, i just kept quiet and smiled nervously. i know it's wrong and inappropriate to make fun of another religion, no matter what. at least that's how my parents taught me when i was little. i used to laugh at the non-Muslims gods, and made fun of them, but my mum would 'hussshhh' me quickly and told me that it's bad to do something like that.

after some time, living with them, i came to understand the need for respect among each other, now that we're of different religions. when i pray, they won't speak and when they pray, i won't sing. one of the girls would leave the lights on, when she found out that i was going to pray. 

i felt more at peace now that i'm living with non-Muslims. they lead their lives and so do i. there's no need for talking and discussing about stuff we do everyday, we'll study on our own time...less problems as we don't communicate much. 

i thought, that was all. 

now, tonight, i realized something new. i realized that He placed me here with these girls because He knew i can cope with them. He knew i would learn something living with them. and indeed, i learnt a lot. i learned of a new religion i never heard of and how they perform their prayers. i learned of a new story about one of the Gods of this girl. and how excited she was explaining to her boyfriend, who is of a different religion. 
and all of the questions she asked him, made me think of a lot of things. 

1- how the non-Muslims got so many questions about Islam and Christianity? how similar these two religions are and why they are still carried out differently?
2- where was Jesus born? why are people at war at the place Jesus, God of Christianity was born? and why can't people visit Israel? can't we even visit the place the God was born?
3- what are they fighting for in Israel? who does the land belong to in the first place? who's the bad guy now?
4- why was some of the Christian-based movies were banned? what was the content in them that was so different from the religion itself?

there were a lot of questions on her mind, and i salute her for her bravery in seeking the answers from her boyfriend. Only God knows what the boyfriend told her, but i really hope that she would seek the answers herself, despite whatever her boyfriend have told her.
pretty sure her boyfriend told her that the land of Palestin is Israel's and the Muslims are the ones fighting for it. however, somewhere deep inside, i know the boy only tells what he's being told. 
i really hope she'd reveal the truth herself. the real truth. i don't expect her to open up her heart to Islam, but at least, i hope she'd seek the truth.

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