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Sunday 7 August 2011

why not?

i'm not referring to the Hilary Duff's song 'why not' here. (though i find the song has a catchy tune...why not? do a crazy dance, if you lose the moment you might lose a lot so why not? why not?) haha...okay, back to story! ema pegi pump minyak kt Shell tadi and i saw something happened. this aunty x leh control her motor, smpai she & her toddler jatuh with the bike. luckily, toddler dia jatuh terduduk. tapi sbb aunty tue terkezut nk mampus ngan what happened, anak yg jatuh tue dia buat dunno. dia mmg terkejut gila la. havoc tempat tue. org lari from everywhere.  

something caught my eye. ada this Chinese couple yg tgh pump minyak laru terus & angkat budak tue. budak tue actually is a Malay. but then dia dukung anak tue mcm anak dia sendiri, usap kepala budak tue, making sure the boy is okay. uncle2 lain lari2 and angkat motor aunty nie. bagi nasihat on how to handle motor next time semua. i just stood where i was & pump minyak. the thing is, bila mai kes budak yg accident, org ramai x kira warna kulit come & help. but when it comes to adults yg accident or anything, org mula tgok bangsa.

kalau Chinese yg accident, x kisah la kalau diorang saudara atau x, gerenti ada cina lain yg turun dari kjereta mewah tolong anak bangsa dia sendiri. kalau nk fight kt situ pun dia rela. kalau Melayu yg accident, Melayu jugak yg pi tolong. bangsa lain buat dunno jer. why? perlu ke mcm tue?

it's always like that kan? masa kecik2 dulu, kita semua kawan. x kisah la bangsa apa pun, agama apa pun, kita semua kawan. tapi bila dah besar, semua pun kita nk kira. where does this hatred come from? i don't know, i don't have an answer. but trust me, the world would be a better place kalau semua org tolong-menolong, x kira bangsa, usia, warna kulit, agama. why not kita buat mcm tue? 

why not?

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