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Monday 11 July 2011


today i had an appointment with my dentist, Dr Patrick. my appointment was scheduled at 8.00 am but then sbb ema terlalu asyik tgok Adi Putra (the Math genius) on MHI, ema keluar rumah agak lmbt...well, not that late laa...8.10 am baru keluar. then smpai situ pukul 8.15am. 

pastu ada this Indian girl ngan mak dia kat situ. diorang tunggu almost an hour but then doctor didn't call their names. so the daughter got upset and went to the receptionist. but then receptionist ckp this girl's appointment card is not with her. that's when all the chaos starts! the daughter raised her voice towards the receptionist, and the receptionist tried her best to calm down & explain. but then the mother kept on going on and on. saying that her daughter was not called because she's an Indian. what the hell? haizz...

the mother cursed the staff by saying that the government servants are not doing their job properly, blah3. sitting in the waiting room with a drama like this as early as 8.30 am is frightening! tapi naseb baik ada nurse senior kt situ yg handled everything. she tried to stop the mother from rattling on about government. both of them just went off by stomping on the floor. hahaha....

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