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Sunday 3 July 2011

novelis: male vs female

ari nie tergerak hati nk ckp psl novelis tempatan kita. sbb kalau nk support novelis international mmg agak susah, sbb bagai menegakkan benang yg basah. i fought bout this before & i lost the battle, for at that time i was young & had not yet discover psl novelis tempatan & how diorang tulis buku. get this kay, when i'm talking bout novelis tempatan, i'm talking bout novelis Melayu.

so, i borrowed a few novels & read them all once upon a time. growing up reading Enid Blyton & Sweet Valley, i was very comfy in my childhood zone. i love reading these books over & over again. i even borrowed some to people. but then, people seem to lose interest in these books. when i was in middle school, most of my friends bury themselves in Malay novels. then, i read them. back then i read novels written by females. story line setiap buku lbih kurang sama, bt then disebabkan nama watak dlm novel tue sgt la sedap didengar, kwn2 pun baca la, smbil meng'imagine' ke'handsome'man laki tue. hmm...masa tue ema baca dgn penuh x berperasaan. then, makin lama ema baca novel, makin ema tersedar something, tapi ku diam sahaja.

kalau u guys perasan la kan, 'kebanyakan' novelis perempuan tempatan bertudung. but then dlm novel tue sndiri, dia mndedahkan aurat watak perempuan. dia akn describe the hair, the body & stuff. i dunno la kalau bnda nie dosa atau x, but i just don't feel right about it. to me, as a person yg tutup aurat, u x leh reveal the girl's aurat, even though it's just a watak in a novel. but that's just my opinion la kan?

next is the fact yg 'kebanyakan' jln cerita novel yg ema baca ialah psl kawen kontrak. kalau kawen kontrak kan, logically speaking, mana blh kita bukak aurat kita dpn suami kontrak kita? sbb kita tau the relationship will be temporary ja. by right, kita x blh bukak tudung ngan 'laki' kita kan? but then dlm novel2 yg ema baca, the girl akn bukak tudung in front of the 'suami'. mcm pelik plak. coz, that's totally unacceptable-in my opinion! i'm sorry but i have stress out that these are my opinion ja, sbb ramai think that i have a weird thinking sbb pikir psl bnda yg agk extraordinary. i think bout stuff u guys don't think about-sometimes la..hihihi...

next, bila novelis kita describe stuff like touching hand @ hugging, and sometimes, even kissing in the novel, i felt it's totally unnecessary in the novel. even though some might argue that it's totally okay, sbb bnda tue jadi between a husband & wife, i feel that bnda2 nie yg buat kita dosa. by right, bnda2 ne very intimate kan? perlu ka nk describe how the guy touches the girl, how he kisses her & stuff like that? will it affect the story line kalau these 'descriptions' were deleted? x kan? i realized that some people avoid reading English novels sbb...1)x fhm english & 2)x suka 'dirty' scenes dlm novels. tapi kalau 'dirty' scenes dlm novel Melayu, lyn pulak? x pelik ka? hmm...pikir2 la ek?

then, when i was older, i read my first novel written by a male. he wrote the novel with such passion, everu word is perfect & simple. x dak ayat bunga2 sgt, biasa ja...for a person yg x fhm sgt bahasa puitis mcm i, bahasa yg dia guna nie mudah difahami la. stp novel mesti ada watak female kan? sama ngan novel nie. but then novelis nie x describe byk psl watak female nie. x describe psl rambut, make-up & dressing, walaupun watak pompuan dlm novel dia nie pompuan tue x pakai tudung. seriously, i respected this guy. sbb he realized dia x yah nk exaggerate psl touch2, hugs & kisses. dlm novel nie, x dak pun any scene yg da guy would touch the girl or anything like that. it was so much fun reading the book, smpai i felt i should change myself & choosing only penulis novel lelaki shaja. that's what i've been doing for the past few months, & i get very excited in reading a novel now.

ema nk tekankan kt sini yg ema x boikot anybody, nor ema sebut @ tuding jari kt sapa2. ema just ckp apa yg ema rasa betul & perlu diperbetul. t's all in my opinion. i did this on my own will. hahaha...sounds funny kan?

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