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Tuesday 13 December 2011

being thankful & grateful

well, actually, i wanted to write about something else, but then as my results came out today, it kindda distracted me a lil bit. so, 1st up, Alhamdulillah, my results are okay. not good, but Alhamdulillah...

next, i wanna share about this movie i just watched, 'Angels & Demons'. well, if you watch the movie & you see what i'm really interested in, you'd know what am i gonna talk about next. iluminati. this movie relates a lot with the word iluminati, the religion-or a belief that there's no such thing as God, only science. but the current issues now is that people sell their souls to the Satan, so that they earn fame on Earth. they believe that Satan only made a mistake, and that God needs to forgive him, just like He would forgive us all. so, they are worshipping the Satan with this FUNNY idea that, on the Judgement day, Satan will help them to heaven, but of course, he will guide them to the burning hell.

so, as i watched the movie, i realized that there are a lot of symbols in the movie, that even the statues in the church leads to iluminati. i mean, its a holy place to pray right? a lot of their statues has a secret meaning behind them that leads to funny iluminati symbols, what the iluminati believes in...scary i tell you!

so, that's when i kindda started to think if Islam has any symbols. well, there's no symbols in Islam. alhamdulillah...nobody can seleweng anything then. that's when i got the idea that Islam is the SAFEST religion, and it's the easiest. you don't need to study the statues of popes and whatsoever not! we don't even know how Allah or the Prophet Muhammad. nor we know how are the looks of the 4 biggest imam in Islam. easy huh? all we have to do is to devote ourselves to Allah and Islam.

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