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Sunday 4 December 2011

Bicara Si Mati Dari Akhirat

okay, entry kali nie a bit islamic, sbb ema baru je lepas menghadiri satu session ceramah here. i enjoyed it so much, coz it was fun, yet so ilmiah. i learnt a lot and would like to share them with you readers! ^__^

a reminder to all, dlm post nie, kena banyak kwn skit ngan tafsir al-Quran k? sbb post nie byk refer balik pada Quran.

first of all, kita bukak surah al-Waqiah (56) ayat 14. 
'dan segolongan kecil dari orang-orang yang kemudian'

maksud ayat yg pendek nie ialah, umat akhir zaman hanya segelintir daropadanya je yg akan menerima buku amalannya dengan tangan kanannya. which also means, kita adlh umat yg byk buat dosa ats muka bumi nie, kalau nk dibandingkan dengan umat2 terdahulu. 

surah Taaha, ayat 105
'dan mereka bertanya kepadamu (Muhammad) tentang gunung-gunung, maka katakanlah, "Tuhanku akan menghancurkannya (pada hari kiamat) sehancur-hancurnya"

maksud ayat nie is pretty clear, that Allah akan menghancurkan semua yg ada di atas muka bumi nie pada hari kiamat. gunung2 yg berdiri teguh semua akn hancr, sehancur-hancurnya. noting survives from the Judgement day. this is actually one of the verses in the Quran that explains on what is it like on the day the world comes to an end.

surah Qamar, ayat 46
'bahkan hari kiamat itulah hari yang dijanjikan kepada mereka dan hari kiamat itu lebih dahsyat dan lebih pahit'

here's another verse on the Judgement day. well, to me, this particular verse in the Holy Quran is for all of us to keep in mind that no matter how we imagine the day is gonna be, its gonna be much much worse. i mean, we watched TOO MANY movies on Judgement days, but human keep surviving each and every one of them right? plus, we get to see how the day is gonna be, but He's telling us, its much worse than that. its beyond our imagination, its all in His hands-when, how, who...wallahu a'lam...

then, the penceramah Ustaz Azhar Abdullah asked us this one question.
 How often do you remember Allah?
this question, only you can answer

Imam al Ghazali said something like this, 'hidup atas dunia ini adalah seperti bermusafir'
okay, to those yg x berapa nk faham what Imam al-Ghazali is saying, here's the explaination. he's trying to say that the life on this Earth is temporary, the eternity life is yet to come. so, lets always remember that teh world we're living in now is not gonna be there forever. kejar akhirat. insya-Allah..

next, we go to surah al-An'am ayat 59
'dan kunci-kunci semua yang ghaib ada padaNya, tidak ada yang mngetahui selain Dia. Dia mnegetahui apa yang ada di darat dan di laut. Tidak ada sehelai daun pun yang gugur tanpa diketahuiNya. Tidak ada sebutir biji pun dalam kegelapan bumi dan tidak pula sesuatu yang basah atau yang kering, yang tidak tertulis dalam kitab yang nyata (Luh Mahfuz)'

ayat nie pula nk cerita kt kita yang Allah je yg tahu pasal perkara ghaib, tdak ada org lain yang tahu psl perkara ghaib melainkan Dia. sbbnya, ramai sgt yg question psl alam ghaib. scientists dont believe the existence of an alam ghaib sbb diorang x nmpk, x rasa alam tue. diorang claim, diorang boleh ceroboh pintu alam nie, but the fact is, kita x boleh. so, ayat nie Allah tujukan utk those yg rasa diorang boleh lawan kuasa ghaib Allah.

lepas tu, penceramah tunjuk satu video yang i watched when i was in secondary school. i remember that video coz my ustaz showed the video to all, and the video was about a group of people digging up a tunnel. they put a super sensitive microphone on the dug ground, to kesan any gegaran, but n the end, diorang terdengar people screaming, people screaming a lot, like a lot of people screaming, mcm kena azab. and it is said that us Muslims should believe that those people screaming is part of the peoples yang dah mati and tengah kena siksa azab kubur. (well, that's what i was told when i was a teen)
but, the ustaz said that this is impossible and we should not believe that the sound of people screaming refers to the people yg dah mati sebelum kita and tengah melalui siksa azab kubur. this is becoz kita x boleh berinteraksi dengan roh itu secara bersemuka. roh itu ada di mana2 sekeliling kita, mcm cahaya matahari. but they don't occupy space and don't have mass. the only way for us to interact with them is through dreams. 
kalau kita penah mimpi anybody yg dah meninggal dtg ke mimpi kita, it means the roh of teh person is really interacting with you. also, we cannot believe that a bomoh claims he can interact with a roh by using a person. that's kindda bulls***. if we believe in that, meaning, kita dah mcm hilang akidah. astaghfirullah...well, ema pun baru tau. so, its best we spread this to the rest.

surah Yunus, ayat mana im not sure. so, don't refer la, takut silap kan.
alright, based on one of the verses in the surah, it actually refers to Firaun, and what happened to him. well, his body is still in good shape, not decomposing till now. why is that so? its because Allah nk tunjukkan betapa byk & besarnya dosa Firaun pada Allah, betapa kejamnya Firaun masa tue, smpai Allah x ampunkn dia. smpaikan Allah biarkan mayat dia x reput. 
but then, Allah dah ckp dlm Quran, setiap yg mati itu akan melalui siksa kubur dari pagi ke petang, smpai tibanya hari kiamat. mana mungkin Firaun itu disiksa sedangkan dia ada dlm bekas kaca di tempat yg ada guards all around the body? so, what Allah is trying to say is that, the jasad (body) x kn kena azab yg boleh dilihat, but the roh yang akan kena siksa. yang kena sebat ngan malaikat maut is the roh, not the body. 

so, that's it, i guess. i hope whatever i've written here would help you and i realize that Islam is the way of life, al-Quran will help us guide through everyday life, and Allah is the Greatest. Allahu Akbar.

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