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Friday 22 March 2013

*giggles non-stop*

to those who doesn't know me, i giggle a lot when i'm nervous. imagine when i'm super nervous, my face becomes hot as i continue giggling, and trust me, i can't even speak when i've started giggling. so, i'm easily bullied and matched-made with someone else in class, because i won't be able to deny it as i giggle too much. *i don't giggle because i'm shy, i giggle because i find it funny* my guy friend once called me Darling in the cafeteria and some of the guys turned around and stared at me, and i can't help to giggle and laugh about it. i couldn't help it, that's just what i do. happened again, in the bus.
remember i told you something about me in the village for some community project? *if you have no idea, you can read a teeny bit about it here* well, we, dental students shared bus with the medical students. it happened that one of my 1st-year-crush was there, sharing the bus with me. haha...who'd thought!
things started when he sat at the seat next to mine. we didn't actually sat next to each other, but he was on the left and i was on the right, separated by a space for people to enter the bus. i was kindda nervous sitting next to him, i really liked him, but something happened last year that i stopped smiling at him. we were total strangers if we met each other anywhere on campus. 
thanks to my friend, who spilled everything to another friend who shared the seat with me, within hours, my whole group found out that i really like him. Oh, GOD!!! i kept denying, but when there's just too much girls smiling and teasing me around, i just smiled and shut up!
things got worse on the last day of us sharing the bus, because by this time, everybody got to know that i liked him. as soon as he entered the bus, everybody (well, not exactly everybody) kept calling my name. i was just a few rows away from him, my, my! imagine how i was feeling at that moment. i tried to calm myself down, but i ended laughing and giggling the whole time. i bet he heard me giggle so hard, and i'm pretty sure he realized the fact that my name was called more than a few times on the bus. 
in the end, i turned my face to the window and tried to focus my mind somewhere when i heard the song on the radio. there couldn't be a more perfect timing for this song, i swear! it was Jo Bhi Kasmein from Raaz. one of my favourite songs, the song that made me fell in love with Dino Morea. the meaning of the song goes like this:
"Whatever vows we had taken,
the promises we had made together,
you alone had brought the mornings into my life,
do you remember?"
it's not like the both of us promised to love each other or anything like that, but the song itself was just so dramatic. 
i'm a drama queen, what do you expect right?
that was pretty much one of those days where i felt like digging a hole and hide myself in it for the rest of my life. but of course nothing like that happened. we met again in the sundry shop on campus, and the cashier asked him how was the village. and for whatever reason, i smiled. wonder what amused me. he said the village was cool. and i joked to the cashier, 'luckily we didn't enter your village, or things would be worse'
and he just looked at me, while i kept my cool, joking with the cashier. ha ha.
~end of story. thank you for spending 8 minutes on this post. it's crazy, i'm crazy!~

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