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Saturday 23 April 2011

im back!

hah! so now im back to where i belong, PENANG! home sweet home...i was in perlis for 2 nights...
i woke up at 7.00am this morning, ngan muka ngantuk, i wash up, gosok gigi, ate breakfast & then siap2 & then off i went to kangar. coz, there's where the bus station is...
my ticket was scheduled at 9.15 am...ada dlm 45 minutes to waste, so my uncle brought us to the nearest mamak store kt situ, & ate roti canai & a cup of hot MILO. kenyang perut! hihihi...
guess wat, i also brought back my barney which dian gave me...its actually very large, a bit malu masa nk bawak..but, wat the hell? thats my barney...mcmlah korang suma x dak barney! hahaha...
masuk2 ja bus, rasa pening, mcm nk i closed my eyes & dozed off...
then bila sdr coz my sis called, i saw my beautiful penang island...
i couldnt take my eyes off beautiful...but it was busy...but who cares? love the busy penang...
hihihi...its been a while since i've seen da sea...hahahah...i sound funny, i know...but thats juz how i felt...da sea has different colours if u look at it side its blue, da other side a bit green & then the other end has a tottaly different calm...
so then i reached the sg nibong bus terminal safely, called my sis & left my stuff at the bench as i went upstairs to check out some available tickets to kota bharu...masa nak naik tangga tue, dah penuh people kt ats asking me if i wud like to kl, johor, kedah...i kept on saying no, no, no...hahaha
then sorang abg nie tnya lak, 'adik nk pegi mana?' hahaha...
all da while i was in da taxi, i was calling up dad, sis, grandma, auntie...fuyoh...byk gila calls...hahaha...mcm org penting...
as i was waiting 4 my bro kt lift, i saw tis fat fat cat...i pun squat down & started patting it on its head..OMG! u shud really feel its smooth & thick...mesto kucing org jaga, but the diorang dump dia kt my flat...cian dia...dia pun mnja2 skit ngn dia...lying on its belly...hahah...u shud really see...
naik2 umah, i grabbed the remote control...hahaha...

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