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Thursday 28 April 2011

juz a thought

ema dah byk kawan ngn org...byk experiences kwn ngn org...byk benda ema dah lalui ngan org...sometimes, bila jalan2 pun, ema akn nmpk org...ada org yg ema kenal, ada org yg ema x kenal...but then, deep down inside, i wish, i hope these people will change...

ema sedar ema x perfect...ema sedar ema pun salah gak.,..ema sedar sapa ema...ema pijak atas bumi yg nyata, bukan di awang-awangan...ema sedar i come from a normal family background...ema tau...
its juz a thought...a thoufght to all the others out there...byk nk cerita actually...& korang pun dah tau bnda2 nie..ema x mau lah nk bg telinga korang pedih, sakit hati or anything...its juz a thought....

Islam x larang kita brhias diri...
nk pakai baju lawa2, islam ckp OK!
nk pakai make-up, foundation, perfume, islam ckp OK!
nk gayakan tudung, islam ckp OK!
x mo pakai tudung labuh 60 inci @ tudung bulat mcm ustazah, nk pakai selendang, islam ckp OK!

islam x larang kita buat anything...its juz taht kita kena pandai skit bila mai kat bab2 mcm nie...islam x kolot...islam nk kita maju...islam nk umat dia maju...& in my opinion, salah satu cara kita nk tunjuk kita maju is through how we dress up, da way we speak...kalau dulu kita ckp bhsa melayu, skarg kena ckp bhsa inggeris, kita kena bljr bhasa inggeris...kalau dulu naik bas pegi kerja, skrg kena naik kereta pegi kerja...stuff like that...kita ikut peredaran zaman...

kalau nk pakai tudung tue, MAKE SURE, 1st of all, pakai anak tudung...jgn pakai hairband or pengeras tudung jaa...anak rambut & ekor rambut akn nmpk...& that means kita dah buka aurat, make sure macam mana pun style tudung tue, bhgian dada kena cover...tahts juz da simple part...also make sure, tudung tue, bhgian blkg dia cover ur back...some people pakai tudung, dunno mcm mana dia lilit, bhgian blkg dia agk singkat. then bila dia tunduk @ shake her head, nmpk bhgian leher be careful k?? make sure tudung tue tutup at least 1/4 of ur back if u think 1/2 of ur back is too much too ask...
3rdly, kalau blh, try to avoid tudung yg jarang...coz akn nmpk leher...(seriously, & honestly, im trying to perbaiki myself on this...hihihi...see, nobody's perfect...kita kena usaha to be a better person...)

kalau nk pakai baju, islam x larang kita pakai baju moden mcm artis dok pakai kt dlm tv & walk on the red carpet...blh je pakai...but kena pandai pilih baju laa..jgn la slh tafsir 'islam bg pakai apa saja'...islam bg pakai, but kita kena pada2...kalau baju sleeveless, thats a bit too much...
1st of all, kita kena fikir samada baju yg kita pakai tue labuh x? but ada option...its like kalau x mo pakai baju labuh, pakai something not tight as ur pants...kalau nk pakai baju labuh, u can match that wif jeans or leggings...sbb, baju labuh tue tutup peha & stuff like that la...
2ndly, make sure the baju x dak getah at the bottom or around the waist, coz that will show up da CURVES! u dun want people to look at ur CURVES...though it wud be kindda cool if people cud see how ur body looks a lot like Rihanna or Beyonce or Katy see, in islam, only ur mahram (people who cannot marry, eg: brothers, uncles, father, grandfather) can look at ur curves and ur aurah...STRICTLY NOBODY ELSE! coz u see, rasionally thinking, guys out tehre who dunno u, n then when they see u walking down da road wif this beautiful body, they have this feeling, this UGLY feeling bout u...& there is a high possibility that a crime might happen...rape...thats why, islam prevents all of teaching us Muslims, to take care of, thats it laa...try pilih baju yg x brgetah kt bhgian bawah & kt bhgian perut...
3rdly, try to avoid baju2 yg jarang...cozu'll have to wear inner...itu pun kalau org tue reti nk pakai inner...kalau yg x reti nk pakai inner tu mcm mana?? ni lah mslh, kalau rasa diri tue x suka inner melekat kt bdn, avoid baju yg jarang...
next, try not to depend on ur inner too much...i used to depend on my inner...hihihi...
wat i mean here is, for example, u bought urself a new sleeveless blouse or a short sleeved shirt, u'd wear it wif an inner kan? coz nk kena tutup aurat...but then, actually, wat ur doing is EXPOSING ur aurat! kita pun tau yg inner tue suka sgt melekat kt body kan? so bila pakai inner tue, kita sdg mnpkkn bentuk tubuh...although kita x nmpkkn bhgian badan (like dada & peha & pinggang), tgn tue is still part of our aurat rite? hmm...dun worry...i have a solution 4 u...coz i've been through this...all u gotta do is get urself a cardigan! habis cerita...but wait, bila nk pilih cardigan pun ada cara dia...teruskan mmbaca & u'll find mcm mana nk pilih da right cardigan...

1st, pilih cardigan yg x diperbuat drpd kain denim...sbb u'll feel like sitting in a hot me, i've experienced that...try cardigan from soft fabrics...
2nd, go wif dark colours...u dun want the cardigan to reveal ur skin colour...coz thats part of aurat, remember?? try balck or dark blue colours...its cool also...& match lots of different coloured clothing...
3rd, cari cardigan yg sizenya a bit besar...u dun want the cardigan to be small & showing off ur body parts...its act cool to have a big, flowy kindda cardigan...i have one, & people keep giving me compliments when i put on da cardigan & match wif blouses...hmm...easy rite??

so, those are the stuffs yg ema nk kongsi ngn korang suma... its act very easy nk tutup aurat & still look modern & edgy...
coz, i believe, its up to u nk choose ur path...samada nk pakai tudung labuh or da normal tudung...nk pakai baju kurung all da time or jeans & blouse...yg penting & utama, u have to cover ur aurat...ema rasa x salah nk tunjukkan kt org lain, yg kita sbgai umat islam moden dari segi pakaian but still jaga aurat kita ngn baik...people will look up to us tau?? watever yg ema tulis dari ats tadi suma are stuff i've experienced myself...cara ema ubah diri ema ke arah yg lebih baik (i hope...) but i have a long way to go...byk lagi yg ema kena ubah kt diri ema nie...
u juz have to be a bit creative in doing this...u'll see that in no time, u'll come up wif ur own way to be a better muslim...insya-Allah...

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