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Wednesday 27 April 2011

x puas hati betul laa...

i watched a movie yesterday kt hallmark channel (astro 702). the movie is 'the widow on the hill'. an old movie kot..

cerita dia mcm nie...a lady was left my her husband, pastu she started her life from the bottom...on the day her husband left her, dia jalan2 smpai dia naik bukit yg ada rumah besar...& her dream is to get the house, to stay on the hill...a few years later, dia graduate kt college, jadi nurse. then dpt call drpd hospital, suruh pi rumah ats bukit nie utk check a patient. patient tu plak nk mati dah...she goda da husband & made him go ga-ga over her...then they got married...

& this husband's daughter dah suspect something fishy from the very start...dia sgt benci kt this nurse...but yg ema x puas hati is that this nurse blh pulak cheat on da husband...AIYO!! x suka the end, she drugged the husband coz husband dia ckp nk ceraikn this nurse...

the husband died immediately, & the daughter filed case kt court. but x tau la mcm mana this nurse got away wif all the harta & the house on the hill...
her motto is, 'i'll get everything that is not mine'...such a game plan!

thats why i hate watching movies...ema x leh tgok movie mcm nie...naik benci!

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