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Friday 11 November 2011


this is a movie i just watched just a while ago. i just can't accept the fact that lots of teens & people, especially girls who gets fulled by guys, older than them. oh, please!! you chat with lots of UNKNOWN people on the net, in the cyber world. its the cyber world for God's sake. come on man! nothing is true, especially when it comes to people you don't know.

just becoz he puts a very handsome & cute picture, you fall for him? you meet him without your parents knowing a thing about it. you enter his motel or hotel room, talk for a lil bit & then stuff happened. then, ur parents freak out, and you can still say you love him? come on!!

 get it that Americans say that an action is called 'rape' if a guy older than a girl have a sexual relationship, even if the girl is willing to do so! stupid law right? well actually by the age of 15-16 a girl is capable of thinking what's right and wrong. they just make stupid decisions. but still, you can never blame the guy only. coz in my opinion, i think the girl is making a wrong decision as well.

in your normal state of mind, do you just follow a guy you barely know by just talking on the phone & chat online for two months? into a motel? come on! by this stage, you should already know this is not a right move.
but as much as i hate it, stuff like this happen. girls don't appreciate themselves much. so when other people, especially from the opposite sex praise them, they fall for them. they think they're old enough to keep things away from their parents. well well well....what more can i say?

i just think, sometime's girls gotta take the blame as well, not just the paedophiles. its one thing that the paedophiles are just maniac, for hunting girls under age, but the girls gotta take blame as well..are you outta ur mind to trust a guy outta nowhere? get what i mean??

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