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Monday 6 February 2012


hari nie, ema nak bincang sikit pasal period or haid. sebabnya ramai di antara kita yang still confuse about it. i don't mean to be disgusting but i just found out something about it & i would like to share it with you guys...
so, period yang biasa dialami oleh girls range from 4 to 7 days. but some may exceed up to 14 days. firstly, ema nk bincang pasal false alarms. girls tau la kot apa tu false alarms. usually we get it bila dah nak dekat our menstrual date. 

so, persoalannya kat sini, boleh sembahyang ka dalam keadaan false alarm
obviously, jwpn utk soalan tadi is tak boleh sembahyang. sebab kita dikira kotor. 

next question, kalau mandi wajib lepas tue, boleh sembahyang ka?
jawapannya ialah x perlu mandi wajib. because kita dah memang dekat ngan menstrual date kita, so no need to pray. conclusion, if dah sampai period date, don't have to pray if discharge continuous. sometimes, discharge akan main chak chak dengan kita. kejap ada discharge, then x dak discharge. so, x perlu nak sembahyang. 

then, smpai bila x perlu sembahyang?
in this case, kita kena ikut your normal mestrual period. kalau selalunya period lasts for a week, then for a week the continuos, discontinuous sitation tue, x perlu sembahyang. kalau till the end of one week, still discharge dok main chak chak lagi, then it's called darah Istihadhah @ Istihadah

what is darah Istihadah?
darah Istihadah ada dua definition. the most common definition yang diberi oleh ustaz, ustazah is blood discharge (during period) that exceeds 15 days. the other definition, which is in the case of this case (the chak chak case), is the discharge which exceeds ur normal menstrual duration. (in other words, kalau biasa period for a week, and then for one particular week in a month, tetiba je keluar discharge, instead of blood discharge. so, kita boleh wait for the blood discharge to come out for a week max. kalau melebihi the week, it's called darah Istihadah)

what do we do when we face darah Istihadah?
easy thing to do, x perlu mandi wajib all the time to 'clean' ourselves. all we gotta do is clean our clothes. in this case underpants should be clean everytime we pray. it je syarat dia. but kita kena ambil air wudu' baru setiap kali nak solat (regardless of the fact yang kita dah kentut @ x sebelum tue)

boleh baca Quran x?
boleh, sebab kita dah dianggap bersih. syarat dia is that we must make sure underpants kita bersih daripada sebarang discharge masa kita baca Quran.

kalau kata dalam masa seminggu yang discharge main chak chak tu, tetiba keluar pulak blood discharge macam normal, macam mana?
then, kita anggap that's period. x perlu kira seminggu. just go ahead with the blood discharge. ensure that the blood discharge x melebihi 14 days (from the day the blood discharge betul2 keluar)

ema harap dengan penjelasan nie, dapat membantu kaum Muslimah yang selalu sangat berkonflik dengan diri. sometimes kita rasa berdosa sebab x beribadat dengan Allah, sedangkan at that time x dak discharge pun. but then, we shouldn't feel guilty sebab memang dia dah nk keluar & it falls in the expected date of menstruation.


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