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Wednesday 1 February 2012

tudung labuh

sebenarnya dah lama plan nk tulis somethng berkenaan tudung labuh nie...but then selalu bila bukak blog, mesti pandang ja, x tau nk tulis pasal apa. but then today i got the whole idea on what to write.

first of all, ema sangat kagum dengan orang yang memakai tudung labuh nie. diorang ada semangat untuk terus pakai tudung labuh without bothering about what people might think of them. (usually, people akan fikir diorang nie alim, baik, sopan-santun, x cakap ngan lelaki, low confidence) but diorang still stay strong, push aside whatever people think. the most important thing is that Allah redha dengan diorang. 

but then, ema nak tegur sikit. kalau boleh, kemaskan sikit tudung tu masa pakai. jangan nampak 'serabai' and messy. people look up to you guys, so try to stay sweet & neat, so that people will have the feeling to also wear tudung labuh. honestly, only certain people look cute & sweet in tudung labuh. it has nothing to do with body size, make-up or the colour of the tudung. everything is in the way the person potrays the tudung labuh on herself. some people lack of smile in tudung labuh, so kurang sikit sweet dia. stuff like that la...

one more thing is that tudung labuh bukan penghalang! in case any of you females who think...

kalau aku pakai tudung labuh, susah la aku nak main apa2 nanti

to those yang berfikiran macam tue, please change your mind. i just witnessed a group of students yang main netball with tudung labuh. diorang x main comel2, cover2...diorang main ganas, just like other people main netball-giving no chance to the opponents. tudung labuh bukan penghalang...boleh je jogging dengan tudung labuh, x dak masalah eh...boleh je nak main kejar2 dengan tudung labuh...
perasaan dia sama macam kita pakai tudung lain. apa2 pun kena jaga kalau angin tiup or anything, takut ternampak aurat. but this situation occurs no matter what kindda tudung you wear rite? fikir-fikir laa...

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