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Friday 2 March 2012

people change

well, people change over time.  like to use myself as the example, coz i know myself best right? *and so do you* 

actually this post is heading another direction, but since i got a call from my ex-roomate, she made me change the way this post would turn out. Miss Mickey had been calling me these days, talking bout different things at times.but yesterday, she called me and told me she wanted to change. change in what sense? to be a better person of course.

she said, she went out to meet her fellow friends, and it has been a while since they met. she was pretty shocked at how everybody were. according to Miss Mickey, everybody was already becoming a lady, acting like one, preparing themselves as woman. they were all so sweet, not much make-up on, very modest in their clothing, more matured...

and she wanna be like them. not because her friends look better than her, but she wish she would be as good as them, maybe even better. so, she wanna change. i told her a few things that she can do, as she's still new in this. well, i've been there, so, i understand what will she be going through. the conflict of becoming a better person will haunt. that's the thing you see. our inner self likes us to be a better person, likes us to do good things, that's why when  it comes to good things, we'll be so eager...

here are some guidelines..
1) don't stress yourself. don't push yourself too hard. it's a step-by-step process. relax, take your time...
2) start with something you think you can keep up with. stuff like wearing handsocks, or socks. 
3) be consistent. keep up with the little changes you made. always wear socks wherever you go. but you don't have to be so serious. wear colourful socks or socks that matches your blouse.
4) be ready with people's compliments. people are watching us, so be aware. they would tease or compliment. no matter what, keep up the smile, and just say 'Alhamdulillah'
5) use what you have and modify them. don't waste. Islam didn't teach us to waste money. use what you already have in your wardrobe and wear it according to the guidelines in Islam. if you have a T-shirt that's kindda short, pair it up with a flowy or straight-cut skirt. don't pair it up with jeans. easy?
6) it takes time. relax. this is a process of a lifetime. you will find yourself switching from one style to another, finding the one you love the most. so, be patient & go with the flow.
7) don't hold back anything. if you suddenly feel like taking the little step, don't hesitate and stop yourself. just go with it!

all the best!

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