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Monday 9 April 2012

ada beza ke kalau parents tau atau x?

guess what? these are my thoughts before:
1- perbuatan 'couple' itu adalah salah
2- kalau parents tau kita 'couple' ngan siapa, dah ajak balik rumah, then it's ok
3- x blh keluar berdua-duaan ngan yg bukan mahram
4- but then kalau parents tau where we are masa kita ngan that guy, it's ok

but then, thinking about it now, it's wrong! x kisah la kalau dah bwk jumpa parents atau x. even kalau tunang pun x leh bwk merata-rata, inikan pulak kalau baru je 'couple'. no no no. x dak excuse sebenarnya. so, ema la yang salah faham. actually bukan salah faham, ema rasa ema sengaja nak sedapkan hati sendiri by saying 'it's okay, as long as their parents know about it!' 

so, jagalah batas2 pergaulan antara yang bukan mahram. i recalled *just this instance, as i'm typing* that my ustazah when i was in lower secondary school, she told me that even if you and your fiance' wanna go out for a date, it is recommended that you bring along someone you know, a guy sibling in the family, as a protection. more like barrier actually. so that you & your fiance' won't go overboard. even then, i believe the girl and guy will not talk, the guys will do most of the talking. 

so, who should we bring along, in case we really wanna meet up with our fiance'? here's a list of people you could tag along on the date:
1- ur blood brother
2- uncle (dad's @ mum's brother, not mum's brother in law @ dad's brother in law)
3- at least 2 girlfriends (not recommended)
why did i say bringing 2 girlfriends along isn't recommended? according to my dad, a guy could 'pukau' *no idea what that means in English* a girl, or girls at once. and so anything can happen to you. but if you bring a guy along, he wouldn't dare do whatever he wanna do, coz this guy (mahram) you brought along can sense it. *it's a guy's thing i guess, non of our business. don't ask me how they sense it, i'm not a guy*
kan boleh tunggu smpai kawen, and then you can do whatever you wanna do, don't you think so?
i believe a guy who respects a lady will not do anything to the lady, even touch her hand, for he respects her. He would keep her for himself until the day they were declared 'husband & wife'. 

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