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Wednesday 17 April 2013

bila mama tak sayang

i saw a shoe box near the sundry shop and from far, i heard two kittens meowing non-stop. they were loud and pitch-y. you know when kittens meow like that, it's either they're hungry or lost. in this case, they were lost. they lost their momma.
it was heartbreaking for me when i saw them in the box, hugging each other tightly, to keep each other warm. they were super tiny, just developed its fur. if i were to live in a single room, i MIGHT take them to my room, where i'd take care of them. the thing is, taking care of two little kittens ain't easy. at this age, they need their momma to breastfeed them, fresh milk from the bottle won't really help. 
anyways, i only thought of one thing when i saw these two kittens. they were little, lost and long for their momma. who knows where their momma is. and i wondered about what it feels like living without a mother at such young age. i'm not talking about orphans, i'm talking about baby-dumping. okay, pretty sure you'd be switching off the computer right now, but wait. i'm not talking about baby dumping, and please, i assure you there won't be scary images of baby covered in blood or anything like that. 
two days ago, i watched a video by Mat Luthfi. he made the video with a couple of his friends, and one of his friends said something about why baby dumping is uncommon in the West. one of them said that people in the West accept illegitimate child in their community. for once, i kindda thought that was true, until...
- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are parents to their twins but they aren't married
- Shakira has a son with her boyfriend
- Kourtney Kardashian has two kids and she's only engaged to her boyfriend
- Adele has a son with her boyfriend Simon
one similarity in all of them? they aren't married, obviously. other than that?
they're all CELEBRITIES!
a celebrity can have an illegitimate child and it's totally okay, because they can afford they baby. plus, this whole baby issue will have no effect on their work. they will still get calls from directors.
in the case of a normal person, living in a normal world, this is unacceptable. especially when you're a kiddo. (kiddo here means everybody until you're financially stable and no longer live with your momma and daddy) if you watch Mum At Sixteen, the role of the mum is played by Danielle Panabaker, who is a 16 year old student with a daughter. they moved once her belly was growing and she stopped attending school. once the baby was delivered, she just couldn't give it away, so her mother took care of the baby like her own. which means, once they moved, her mother introduced the baby as her 3rd daughter. see how hard is it, even to the Westerns? 
so, i kindda disagree with the statement.

anyways, i think everybody should open up their minds, think outta the box, look around and be alert! *apa punya pesanan penaja??*
thanks for reading.

P/S: cried listening to Shattered by Trading Yesterday. i think it's the whole 'bila mama x sayang' mood. 
when it kicks in, nobody can stop it, even me. 

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