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Saturday 13 April 2013

my roomates

to those who have no idea who am i living with right now, i am living with two 1st year medical students who are non-muslims. one might think living with them is rather troublesome, they might have their prayers as well, which MIGHT disturb our prayers which is 5 times a day and yadda yadda. 
let me tell you what it feels like to be living in the room with two non-Muslims. 
i was cool the whole time after i found out i had two non-Muslims roomates, but inside my heart, i was nervous and scared. but my mum told me there's nothing to be afraid of. they believe what they believe and i believe what i believe in. let's just stick to our own beliefs for now. we do talk occasionally, when there's things to talk about, or when they seek advice from me. 
of course we do talk bad about each other, but that's just the way it is. *do you honestly think being roomates with someone with the same religion, that they would not talk bad about you?*  they pray too. as much as i want them to respect my religion, i know the first thing i should do is respect their religion. i've had friends who talk bad about their religion when i told my friends my roomates pray too. i then realize, not everybody are OPEN-MINDED about other religions. so, i stopped talking or discussing about my roomates to the public. 
guess what? 
after about 3-4 months living together, one of my roomates figured out the way i live, praying 5 times a day and reciting the Quraan at certain times. so she'd leave the lights on even if she wanted to sleep. at times, the lights would be out and there i would be sitting on my sejadah (a piece of cloth, more like a thin carpet to pray on. *more about this at the bottom of the entry*) reciting the du'a or the Quraan. and right before she leaves the room, she would turn the light on for me without even asking. at first i was shocked, because she didn't ask and i didn't tell her to do that, but later i would smile. she respects me and my religion. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah. 
yesterday, i went to a religious class, where i was told to not only gain the knowledge from the class, but i need to let the non-Muslims know about what learnt. but the person also told me that it's not necessary that i have to preech to the non-Muslims. the first step is to show good deeds or good akhlak to the non-Muslims, then i should practice Islam like a good Muslim. they are watching us, so somehow they'd learn a little or two about Islam. and from there is where we start discussing with them about religions. the aim of discussing is not winning, but more of creating awareness to them of what Islam is all about. 

*about the sejadah: as i said it is a cloth, act as a covering on the surface we're praying on. it doesn't necessarily be the sejadah. it could be just a cloth, for example a dress or a tudung. but the cloth must be clean*

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