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Sunday 29 May 2011


i guess my sista & momma call me drama queen in the house for a reason kot. you see, at home, i'm always watching dramas & tv shows that are D-R-A-M-A oriented. such as, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Laguna Beach, Kimora, Project Runway...the list juz goes on & on. & then i like singing in front of my mum whenever during the commercials, the Glee casts sing 'Teenage Dream' or 'Forget You'. i would even dance in front of her. =)

so then in the morning, i went to take my driving lessons & i waited outside the branch at almost 8am, but the branch doesn't seem to open. i waited behind the bush with my bike. & out of nowhere came out two big dogs, shocked to see me hiding behind the bush, & started barking at me, non-stop! i had nowhere to run but keep walking entering the house behind it. seems like, there are more dogs behind there! oh, Gosh! ujian apakah nie Ya Allah? i kept on walking, wanting to walk by the roadside, but the dog kept chasing after me, barking loudly! the dog was quite close to me, & each time i stop to kindda relax itself, so that it wouldn't bark at me again, it came closer to me, which made me walk. oh, gosh! 
finally i screamed coz i was terrified by it. i came very close to me! oh, crap! i finally walked away when the dog's owner called the dog & apologized to me. i ended up near the fire station, waiting for the dog to walk away, but it kept sniffing all around the place & kept looking up, sensing me. haiyo!! i called up the agency & found out that the branch is not open today, oh, snap! 

so, i waited patiently for the dog to sniff all around the lot, & i hurriedly jumped on the bike, not bothering to put my handbag in the back part of the bike. i ended up placing the handbag in the basket. haiyo! wat if someone were to just snatch it? nauzubillah. once i started the engine, the dog kindda got scared & just ran off. Fiuh! what a day! so, i pray that tomorrow, everything will be ok...ameen!!

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