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acting cute
well, i was thinking bout how i like to act childish among kids. kids dlm konteks nie adlh kanak2 dalm lingkungan usia 1 hingga 10 kot. i dunno. tapi, yg i kow, i like to kacau2 them, main2 & tnya soalan bodow2 kt diorang. onc i spot a kiddo, the first thing i do is squat down & hold the kids hands, theyll stop & stare dulu. mungkin diorang pikir kot, 'sapa kakak nie? asal dia pengang tgn i?' but then muka diorang akn light p, sbb ada STRANGER paying attention towards them. first question i'll ask is, 'nama siapa?' dgn malunya, mata tgok kaki, kaki pulak menari2 satu style, diorang akn ckp nama diorang. sometimes tgn satu lagi akn diletakkn dlm mulut, sbb malu sgt kot! hee...
lps tue, satu2 soalan akn ema tnya smpai dia mcm nk lari. dia akn terus cari mak @ bapak dia, and probably akn ckp 'kakak tue tanya nama tadi' hahaha...budak2 sgt la comel u know? thats why i love them! how did all of these happen? well, semuanya brmula apabila.... (wahh, mcm dlm drama plak! huhuhuhu....)
story dia sikit ja pun. selalunya, masa ada kenduri-kendara nie, everybody meet up kan? kwn2 lama, family members semua akn gather & then gossip2, tukaq2 khabar, catch-up with one another and stuff. trust me, not only women do this, men too. when the talking starts, it seems like there's no ending to it. they get so excited in changing stories zmn budak2 dulu, cerita psl anak2, blah3... (i usually x suka dgq all these stuff, so i'll walk away. selalunya, ema akn cari tv. grab someone & then sit as close as possible to the tv. jahat kan i?? hihihi...)
women nor men x suka dikacau when they're all so excited nk tukaq2 cerita, and sbgai tuan rumah, kitaorg la yg kena lyn budak2 & tetamu yg mai umah kan? dari kecik, my mum akn suruh me & my sister jaga the kids. plg x pun, kumpul all the kids in one room & make sure they don't make much noise & lyn jelah diorang. selalunya, i'll get the masak2 set for them, and all of them akn bukak restaurant & we'll be the customer. hihihi...tau mkn je kan?? basically i kena lyn gak all my little cousins & other people's anak as well. sgt la meletihkan u know? setiap budak ada karenah sndiri. sometimes, cosuin sendriri jelez ngan cara i lyn ank org lain. satu mslh pulak. penat den! grandma also treat me like i'm the eldest in the family, sbb i can do housework. kalau masak, mmg x lepas la. stakat clear2 rumah, sidai kain, kutip kain & lipat kain, layan tetamu, i ok la! so, when people mai rumah, my mum akn instruct me to take care of the kids in anything happens. kalau budak tue dahaga, nk minum air, 'Angah, tolong tuang air kt budak nie'. kalau budak tu nk pi toilet, 'Angah, bawak dia pi toilet sat' mcm2 la kerja i time tue.
no matter how tough the work to be a temporary 'nanny', but the attention i get from the kiddo is amazing. there was once a kiddo who was quiet got my full attention for a few hours & she didn't wanna let me go. she liked me i guess. hihihihhii...bila time salam2 tue, she didn't wanna let go of my hand. she held onto my hand & even told her grandma, 'nk bwk kakak nie balik rumah. kakak nie best!' i was shocked! my jaw dropped.the whole house stared at me. haiyo! what did i do? last2, grandma dia ckp, 'kakak nie x leh ikut kita. kakak nie kena balik rumah dia' immediately the kiddo's eyes dah mcm watery, ready to cry. her fingers were in her mouth, dunno what to do. i squat down & the i hugged her. i said, 'kakak ema syg sgt kat adik. len kali kita jumpa lagi k? jgn nangis2 k?' then budak tue pun merengek smpai ke front porch, still want me to follow her back home. her grandma had to drag her all the way back. it was a sad moment. kesian kt budak tue. huhuhuhu...
so, what's awaiting for me this raya? another drama? drama adik & kakak berpisah? hahaha...i'm sounding like a drama queen now. huhuhu...
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