wahh, tgok la tajuk post ku hari nie..lawak kan? hihihi...before this auntie ema called us & told us that her son, my cousin was having problems adjusting to matriks. he is the kind of person yg slalu happy, x suka ckp psl education, homework & results. he likes to enjoy. his target is t set up a business & earn money. but then his dad x approve, so dia kena smbung bljr laa..hmm, and so yesterday i called him up, and i dunno wat to say & how to comfort him. i ended up laughing & making him laugh. that's the only option so that he doesn't feel stressed anymore kan?? hmm, dunno laa...kesian pun kesian gak, sbb dia second intake, so pressure's on. more homework, kena catch-up quickly & stuff...but then i'm pretty he'll catch-up...
just a while ago, i was on skype with my friend, nasy. she was a bit upset with the post on 'regrets'. well, bnda tue dah jadi pun, nothing yg blh kita buat kan? but funny thing is, she didn't balme me for it! hahaha...x tau laa...but it felt good that she was there, supporting me...hihihiihi...
P/S: sbnrnya, nk buat satu post psl Britney Spears, tapi x jadi la...sudah lmbt! haha...nanti2 laa...
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