Blogger Backgrounds

Friday 3 June 2011

why now?

i was kindda glad i never came across you in the past few months...actually it's been a while since i've ever seen you here. but then just now, after going out with my sista, u were there. in the darkness of night, i couldn't see if it was you & so i guessed you were someone else & was joking with my sista bout it. saying that 'you' will be her future husband. & then when our bike approached yours, i found out it was YOU! oh, crap! i started giggling & laughing, i don't exactly know why! its just funny, i guess...i dunno! honestly i dunno, but everytime i saw you, i would laugh! at most, i would smile. haiz...why? no idea! 

& so as you struggled to come out from the shed with your bike, i pretended to not think about it & tried to pretend slurping my Slurpee Slurp from 7E, but then i almost choked & spit the whole thing out, so i giggled instead! malu tau x?
hmm, & then kena marah ngan sista! dia ckp nanti laki tue betul2 suka kt ema, mampus! ema pun bukn sengaja nk gelak kt dia, dah x leh control, nk buat mcm mana kan? haiyo!!

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