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Saturday 4 June 2011

chimpanzee VS bonobo

okay, this is something new i discovered weeks ago. i always thought that chimps are the smartest animal created on planet Earth. i just found out that i was wrong. hmm...bonobo is the smartest animal on Earth. okay, Bonobo looks like a Chimpanzee. actually, to be honest, all i knew were chimps, until i watched Oprah. haiz, semua pun kait ngan Oprah...hahaha...

a Bonobo family
Bobobos eat mostly fruits, nuts & seeds. diorang bukn karnivor mcm Chimpanzees. chimps actauly hunt in groups to kill smaller monkeys. mmg sgt wild diorang punya hunting style, sgt menakutkan. i thought chimps mkn pisang mcm monyet lain, but then dpt tau lama dah yg diorang actually mkn other monkeys. so, dari segi facial structure, mmg muka Bonobo hmpir sama mcm chimps, but then again, very different. kena tgok dekat2 kot, baru tau yg diorang nie mmg sgt la different.

a chimpanzee
this post sbnrnya nothing pun, saja, nk kongsi ilmu! hihihiihi...

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