so hari nie nk cerita skit psl Britney Spears. bukannya ema minat kt dia or anything. but then some of her songs are superb. lagu lama2 dia ok la, not bad. i remeber the old times, when i was in primary school, some of the students dance on stage with songs like 'Opps...I did It Again' & 'Hit Me Baby One More Time'. those were the days where Britney was shining bright. she only started her career in the industry. ramai x recall yg she was in the The Mickey Mouse Club back then with Christina Alguilera, Justin Timberlake & many others.
she was cute & all young, so sweet, innocent and all kan? but then she changed 360 degrees after that. don't know what happened. but the thing is she changed & now the Britney yg kita tgok dlm paper & mags is the new Britney. she got married at the age of 22 to a guy named Jason Alexander at the Las Vegas chapel and their marriage lasted 55 hours. hahaha...wat a marriage. but then she said she was not thinking straight, blah3. who cares! so that was a downfall for her as well. she had no problems after that because she climbed her way back to victory until one day, during her concerts, she found K-Fed! she married him in the same year, when she was 22. then she had two babies, and everything was falling apart. she had to struggle playing the role of 'momma', she was smoking, drinking, the paparazzi chasing after her. she gained weight. haizz...lots of problems. then, she shaved her head bald! she hitted the paparazzi with an umbrella. haiyo!! she was well-known at these times.
then, she came up with this song, 'Gimme More' which was a flop, coz she was fat in the video, & was pole dancing. i didn't like the song either. but, her secong song, 'Piece Of Me' was HOWT! it was a song dedicated to everybody who was chasing after her, searching for every mistake she made, she seriously had no break! but after this song was out in stores, her popularity increased as well. but then, she was with this one dude, nama apa ntah. he claims himself to be a muslim, but then pakai necklace yg ada cross sign. haiz...
well, i didn;t want to go on babbling about Britney's life, sbb u guys of course la dah kenai ngan pop princess ni kan? but yesterday, i went on checking every music video she had, from her very first, 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' to 'Piece of Me' to 'If You Seek Amy' to 'Circus' just to see if she's practicing iluminiati all her life. and funny thing is in some of her videos, ada la sikit2 influence iluminiati, but then in others x dak plak. for example, dlm video 'Overprotected', she was in the toilet (during the first minute) & u'll notice that the floor is checkered. which i've posted before that it's the tiles in the Free Masonry churches. it just a coincidence or what?
and then dalam video 'Toxic', she'll enter this secret place, where, she'll be stealing a potion, & she'll go through laser beams & stuff. at approximately 2.43, akn nmpk something funny. its like she's standing in front of a round circle & that circle is turning, spinning. it could mean something, or nothing at all. but i felt something fishy there-but i don't know wat is it.
then, dalam video 'Opps...I Did It Again', she wore this red skin-tight jumpsuit. the red jumpsuit was bloody red, which reminded me of Lady in Red (another iluminiati thingy wingy) The Lady in Red was believed to be surrounded by Satan (black) & diorang semua akn sesatkn kita. but then dlm video nie, her dancers were wearing white. was it done on purpose, or just another mere coincidence? i don't know. ada jugak in the song she'll be lying on this octagonal stage, it is actually the shape of an eye.
dalam video 'Circus' plak, ada a few moments, where she'll be hiding @ covering one of her eyes, & revealing only one eye, which leads to 'The All Seeing Eye' which was believed to be the eye of Dajjal & Satan, watching us.
so, is Britney really practicing iluminiati? i don't know. but then honestly we've gotta beware of everything that's happening around us.
Rihanna & Britney performed on Billboard Music Awards this year, they were performing S&M and Britney will wear a black outfit, while Rihanna wears a white outfit. black & white is also iluminiati. so...? i dunno la...
juz hoping & praying i'm not influenced by them. aminn~
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