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Wednesday 1 June 2011

JPA scholarship

okay, so since the SPM results came out this year, seems like there's been too much DRAMA regarding the JPA scholarship. some of the students who scored & performed with excellence didn't get the scholarship. & so some of the parents rushed in to the press & with their crying child on their side, they gained people's attention. and so the media went rushing to the Education Minister & even the Prime Minister was questioned bout this situation. hmm...what do i think about this?
honestly, there's an explaination to this.

 you see, many people applied for the JPA scholarship & it doesn't matter how good your results are, if you're unable to perform during the interview, you'll be kicked out! it's juz as simple as that. you may think u did well during the interview, but do you actually know what are the criterias these people are looking for? you never know. no matter how well you think you did, there would be other people who performed better than you. these scholars are looking for the best of the best. you should bare that in mind.

next, we're looking at the quota. in Malaysia, the nation is divided into so many races. & the government are trying to equalize the number of candidates who are receiving their scholarships. becoz the whole idea of giving someone a scholarship is to ensure that the candidate perform well & that the name of the scholar will also rise. this is the whole concept of scholars. they want their popularity to increase among Malaysians all around the globe. so, of course the scholars would want to give the scholarships to some Malay, Chinese, Indian & other candidates. what these people are doing is called fair. it's impossible for these people to give scholarships to all Chinese candidates just becoz they got good results. it's a normal situation if some of ur friends got the scholarships & u don't. that's life! wake up! life isn't fair right? some people may earn now, but you may earn a bit later that these people. just be patient, your time will come.

it is also impossible if everybody want to study overboard, becoz the scholars will have to pay more & their budget will be out of hand. that is why they also set up a quota to send a certain number of students to certain countries. not all candidates will get the place they want to study. one of my friend wanted to study in Ireland, but he got in India, though he could speak English as fluent as the computer & got straight A+ for his SPM results in 2009. so, all you gotta do is think maybe you didn't do good enough & try again next time.

one more thing that's funny is that when the Prime Minister said that everybody will get equal chances in everything they do, it goes same to education. if he had this equal concept, then by right everybody (all candidates, despite their races) will have the same chances in learning right? why when he already gave the chance to allow you guys to study in our local universities, matriculation & take up Diploma courses, you guys refuse? are you still saying he's being unfair? think again. i think you guys are being selfish & arrogant & unappreciative. you guys think that if you guys already scored, you guys will not have to struggle & go through the hard way to reach the top! get this right fellas, a lot of my Chinese friends i met in Matriculation programme got excellent results as well, they were listed as top 20 among all the MRSM students around the country. but none of them got a chance to further studies in our local universities. none of them complained. they worked very hard & got 4.0 in each exams & tests. they learned the hard way, why can't you?

all of you need to open your eyes wide enough, open up your mind & not juz think of yourself. stop being selfish. appreciate what the government has done to you. its not that the government not give you any chances, they did. you're the ones who refuse to take the chances they offered you. i m not blaming anybody in particular, nor am i pointing fingers at anybody. i'm just trying to open up your mind, let you guys think further, so that you guys can go far ahead in your life. i have been in your situation as well, i got quite good results but i didn't earn a spot in our local universities, nor did i get any scholarships. all i did was work my ass off in Matriculation & alhamdulillah, i got good results as well. not 4.0, but i'm very happy with what i got.
& i hope parents will also explain to their daughters & sons about this issue.

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