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Thursday 23 June 2011

friendships are tested

ayat ini sgtlah cliche kan? stiap show atau reality tv shows, mesti akn disebut ayat yg sgt la popular tue. especially the narrator, dia akn ckp 'friendships will be tested' & then akn tunjuk clips on the next show that two friends will either be arguing with one another, or will walk away from one another, or move out from their shared apartments...mcm2 laa...(owh, nmpk sgt yg ema nie sgt la suka tgok TV shows kan?? heehee)
okay, back to the original topic, ema baru je dpt text kt fb from someone, claiming that her ex ckp yg she cheated on him, blah3...(penat tau psl cheating nie kan? tgok ema smpai buat punya byk post psl cheating. hahaha...) okeyh, she was a bit distracted by it, so i decided to call her. she pun suspect the other friend. she suspected the other friend to spill everything out to the ex bout her new boyfriend. she doesn't even trust this person anymore. haizz...mcm mana nie? so, then, i thought to myself la kan, when everything was all nice & fun, everbody around you pun u akn syg, akn trust with all ur heart. then, when something happens, ur trust pda that person dah pi mana dah. but then bila pikir2 balik kan, actually it's kindda her fault jugak la...sbb she once told her ex yg she'll never gonna couple again coz she don't wanna hurt her parents feelings, she wanna think of them only.
but then x leh blame her gak kan? sbb love is something very unexpected. out of the blue, u akn fall in love. just like me, i fall in love with the sky, the beautiful sun, the moon (i always give a flying kiss to the moon & i say 'I Love You' everytime i see a full moon!), cute cats (even if they're stray cats), ema x leh slhkn semua org yg fall in love, sbb seriously, bnda2 nie kita x pikiaq pun nk buat, tapi kalau dh mai, nk buat cmna kan? hahaha...ema x brhk nk judge anyone or anything, just that this thingy wingy always bothers me. doesn't it hurt deep down inside? i don't know.

sometimes, i ask them tau, 'nape korang couple?' ada yg ckp 'sbb kwn2 aku masa tue semua couple. aku pun nk try tgok apa syok nya couple' & then these people akn break-up & then fall in love with another one.....over & over again.
Every girl wants prince charming
and while he may be nice and all

i want a guy who will come up from behind

and put his arms around me, 

and hold me, 
he`ll whisper 
in my ear that he loves me.

a guy who`ll lay awake at night, 

just thinking
 about me

a guy who`ll call at 3:00
 am just to tell me how much he misses me

he`d come over just after we got off the phone

because he wants to know how i`m really doing

because i said i was fine, 
but we both know i was 

he`d kiss me on my forehead &
 tell me everything`s gonna be alright

he may not be prince charming to anyone else
but in my eyes, he`d fit the part perfectly

P/S: will there be a PRINCE CHARMING 4 me out there?

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