Blogger Backgrounds

Sunday 26 June 2011


have u ever been in the situation as stinky as mine? 
where people don't even trust you when ur actually telling the truth? 
when u feel so down & wish the whole world would just stay quiet for one moment? 
when everybody would just shut up & stop blaming you for everything that had happened? 
seriously, i didn't do anything was an accident! 
honest, ema nk niat pun utk bnda tue jadi...
it just happened...
i kept on saying sorry to Mr XY kat Watsons tadi
he said it's ok, coz he knew it was an accident...
tapi x sgka plak bnda nie akn jadi isu bsr bila smpai umah...
mama jadi furious, and x nk dgq ckp ema
she kept on talking about how i actually embarrassed not only myself, but my family as well
and ada a few stuff lagi yg dia ckp...
bila mama ckp bnda2 mcm tue, agk trsentuh la hati ni kan...
maka hati pun remuk-redam...
mata pun a bit berair...tapi daku tahan...
smpai masuk bilik, terus on computer...
sbb x tahan sgt...kang stgi meletup plak rumah nie...

The walls start breathing
My minds unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

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