Blogger Backgrounds

Monday 13 June 2011


haiz, Kelantan, sebuah negeri yg terletak di bhgian Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. masyarakatnya 'dikatakan' bersifat puak2. the people x blh nk mix ngan other people besides themselves, so, it's really a challenge to actually blend with them, being their friends. diorang mkn budu & ada 'slank' bila ckp. a weird slank...mmg sgt susah nk tangkap wat they me, i've asked my friend what he was trying to say for almost 6 times, until i finally understood what he was trying to say. hahaha....

& then now, ema akn pegi situ plak. i've never liked Kelantan that much all this while. i mean, kalau ckp psl food, Penang's the best! kalau ckp psl mall, Penang's still the best! kalau ckp psl the 'slank', i love Penang's slank! hahaha...the way a word is pronounced is funny & lovely! i love learning a new Penang kampung word. it's fun!! 

ema masih x pegi Kelantan lagi, & so much people are 'perli'ing Kelantan. as in, theway i'll be talking & the food i eat after this. feeling kindda stressed as well...sbb x suka la org tgok mcm tue...huhuhuhuh....mcm mana nie? adkh saya akn trlepas & excel?? insya-Allah, i'll try my best! at any point in life, kita mmg kena bjr bnda dari org kan? it'll bring good memories, i hope! insya-Allah...

ema pkai wrna merah sbb Kelantan punya jata wrna merah kan? hihihii...
P/S: i trust in Him, I know there's a reason He's doing this to me.

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